"(She) stated in the months leading up Meier's daughter's suicide, she instigated and monitored a 'my space' account which was created for the sole purpose of communicating with Meier's daughter.................."(She) said she, with the help of temporary employee named ------ constructed a profile of 'good looking' male on 'my space' in order to 'find out what Megan (Meier's daughter) was saying on-line' about her daughter.
Wow! What a great pass time for a (supposed) adult and parent! To show your own kid that it's somehow funny to pull this kind of bullshit, just boggles my mind. If this were my kid that committed suicide over this, that bitch who did this would be pushing daisies.
"According to (her) 'somehow' other 'my space' users were able to access the fake male profile and Megan found out she had been duped. (She) stated she knew 'arguments' had broken out between Megan and others on 'my space.' (She) felt this incident contributed to Megan's suicide, but she did not feel 'as guilty' because at the funeral she found out 'Megan had tried to commit suicide before.'"
Typical tackic of a Sociopath: try and minimize what you did and pass the blame off to the victim. I can't believe she's not going to be charged. I'd make sure every person in my neighbourhood knew who it was that did this.
Unbelievable that there crackpots like this out there who actually breed.