For all you PETROL & GAS whiners. Stop complaining that it's too expensive!

by nicolaou 73 Replies latest social current

  • nicolaou

    Here in the UK we're paying over a £1 a litre for regular unleaded fuel, that's about $9 per gallon for my American friends. Now I'm as aware as anyone that the bulk of my fuel pound goes to the government in duty (or fuel tax) but let's just look at the bottom line cost to you and I as motorists - £1/litre.

    Just getting the the damn stuff out of the ground is dangerous and expensive, especially at offshore rigs. Then you have to transport it, refine it and transport it again. It's volatile, it's a nasty pollutant and there are a myriad rules the producers must adhere to to provide us with that simple, easy nozzle we stick in our fuel tanks.

    £1 per litre? Sounds like an okay deal to me.

    Everybody has to be paid along the way and if a few fatcats make a bloody fortune then good luck to 'em! What else can you buy for a £1 per litre? Not olive oil, decent beer, wine, perfume - hell, even some fancy, sparkling mineral waters can cost two or three times as much!

    £1 per litre? Get some perspective people.

  • minimus

    Wow, what an enlightening, stupid post.

  • nicolaou

    What a well constructed and articulately expressed counter argument.

  • AlphaOmega

    I agree that it is difficult to obtain and dangerous etc, but 70p in every pound as tax is a separate issue.

    But, something surprised me that I got in the post today...

    It was a question : What is 1350 times as expensive as petrol ?

    Printer ink !!!

  • BrentR

    I agree with you Nicolaou, people spend way more on bottled water and much on a latte then they ever have on gas. For me a $3 gallon of gas means I do not have to walk 38 miles. That is one hell of a bargain in my book.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    my company pais for gas, so i don't care...

  • dinah


    There must be extreme differences in the way petrol is used in the UK. $9 a gallon here would leave us about $80 per paycheck. There's no way we would survive.

    My husband grew up in Germany (was an army brat). He said back in the 80's gas was about $3 a gallon there. The only difference was you didn't have to get in your car and drive to the grocer. You had a corner market where you bought enough food for a couple of days. In other words their culture wasn't as dependant on gas as we are here in the States.

    Also, think of all the plastic containers we use.

  • 5go

    Um if your lively hood was being destroyed by oil prices you would be pissed.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Before my last move, I routinely put 50,000 miles per year on my vehicles. Nothing is a short trip away. A large, spread out country is not amenable to high fuel prices.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When you live on an atoll like England, gas isn't such an issue. Hell, you have the National Health for your tax money, we haven't gotten anything much for our dollars in taxes. Just a little fraud here or there and a marvelous war in Iraq. W.Once

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