For all you PETROL & GAS whiners. Stop complaining that it's too expensive!

by nicolaou 73 Replies latest social current

  • minimus

    I reconsidered. You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo right.

    I'm no longer complaining about high prices. It's really a fantastic bargain! Even if it goes higher, so what? It's still a great value.

  • Warlock

    That's your free healthcare, nic.

    WE have to pay for our own.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    Printer ink !!!

    Lemme calculate...

    Last week I paid £13 for 16ml of printer ink...

    £130 - 160ml

    £812.50 for 1 litre

    wow! and the printer only cost £40!

  • B_Deserter

    "What else can you buy for a £1 per litre? Not olive oil, decent beer, wine, perfume - hell, even some fancy, sparkling mineral waters can cost two or three times as much!"

    No, but you typically don't buy 20+ gallons of olive oil, beer, wine, perfume, or bottled water a week now do you? You also don't need to buy those items in order to get to survive, either. If I only bought 1 gallon of gas a month and the price went from $3 to $9, I couldn't care less, it's only costing me an extra $6 a month. But seeing that I buy 12 gallons per week, a tripling in price would be a huge deal. Besides, prices for a lot of items drop drastically when you buy in large quantities. I currently get spring water in 5 gallon jugs and it costs me 25 cents (or 12p to you) per gallon. When buying most things, the price is in the packaging.

  • Mary
    Just getting the the damn stuff out of the ground is dangerous and expensive, especially at offshore rigs. Then you have to transport it, refine it and transport it again. It's volatile, it's a nasty pollutant and there are a myriad rules the producers must adhere to to provide us with that simple, easy nozzle we stick in our fuel tanks.'re right. Those poor bastards in the oil and gas industry. They risk their lives for the sheer joy of getting that oil out of the ground, (by hand I'm sure), then transporting it (by Pony Express), refining it (with a wine press) and holy shit, the trials and tribulations they go through to bring us that there oil would put a Christian facing the lions at the Roman Coliseum, to shame:

    ExxonMobil Corp. reported $10 billion in net income in the third quarter, the largest ever by a U.S. energy company.

    ExxonMobil's earnings announcement that profits rose 75 percent from last year followed a BP announcement of $6.5 billion in profits, up 34 percent and ConocoPhillips reporting its income grew to $3.8 billion, up 89 percent.

    Oh, and by the way---this was for 2005, when oil was at $60.00/barrel.

    £1 per litre? Sounds like an okay deal to me.

    Do you have any brains cells left that are actually working? Or are you simply trying to get a rise out of everyone?

    Everybody has to be paid along the way and if a few fatcats make a bloody fortune then good luck to 'em! What else can you buy for a £1 per litre? Not olive oil, decent beer, wine, perfume - hell, even some fancy, sparkling mineral waters can cost two or three times as much!

    Well here's a newsflash for you Sherlock: Olive oil, beer, wine, perfume or mineral water, do not heat your home, or get you to work. Those are called "luxuries" and can be purchased in small quantities, because they're not necessities.

    £1 per litre? Get some perspective people.

    I could offer you the same advice.

  • MegaDude
  • BrentR

    I bought alot stock in a domestic oil and natural gas company five years ago. When the oil prices go up so do my dividends. Yes I will pay more at the pump but I also have that cost more then offset by the income. Money does not disapear, it only changes hands. With a little bit of balance in your investment portfolio you make sure that at lest one of your hands is getting money no matter what the economy is doing.

    My wife's grandmother is enjoying a very comfortable retirement because she bought Texaco shares back when they were $2.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    nicolaou; I know people here in the U.S. that can't afford heating oil and eat rice and beans to just keep warm if you call 50 degrees (F) warm? the price of oil is making many U.S. homeowner lose thier houses? the price of everything in the U.S. is going through the roof. my wages have not gone up. I fact I lose $$$ on every job b/c i run a trucking co. and no one want to here I raised my fee's b/c of HIGH COSTS OF FUEL. costumers want to pay less b/c they are BROKE. WHAT costed me $40 a day a truck a few year ago now costs $70 a day times that by 6 trucks a day and you get the idea, who is losing the oil co's? or normal hard working ppl like me. $hit I can't even afford a vacation. maybe I should charge all my long time costumers high rates , till they drop me for some cutthroat half-ass illegal flyby nights> my workers need a $100 a week raise to keep up with inflation. at the same time we are losing $100 a week on every employe thnks to the high price of oil. that MINUS $200 A WEEK TIMES 12 PEOPLE. just wait till gas hits over $4 a gallon here in the U.S. I know many good working people that will lose their jobs from this. I don't think your thinking straight nicolaou

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's the change of going from one price one week to a higher price the next week or day. We have no "getting used to it" cushion. We can't plan our budgets on such a change. It gets hard for some of us. It affects our lives on a personal level as I'm sure it does with you, but we get comfort from complaining about it, so let us do it. Helps keep us from going postal.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Hey, yeah! What about the difference in car use, anyway? We have to drive to the store or it would take an hour to get there because there are no sidewalks or safe lanes for bikes. That is true for country and city living. We get hit by cars a lot here in the U. S. Grad school next year will be an hour there and an hour back every day. We have to drive anywhere we want to go because everything is spread out from 2 to 5 miles from our houses, and THAT is in the city. It's just to far and long to walk every day to take care of everyday business, work, school, religious events, food shopping, clothes shopping. Have you actually been here and just walked to get to where you need to go, or did you use taxi service? Don't base your views of America on a NYC vacation experience. NYC is a different culture and experience unto itself, where taxis and walking are the best ways of getting around. Oh, and the bus system in most cities is terrible! Takes forever just to get across town due to having to change buses 3 or 4 times just to get to an appointment across town. Our culture does have different transportation needs based on the lay out of cities and towns. People live a long way from the center of town where business is located. Everything is spread out all over the place. Utility services can be miles apart. Cheap v. expensive grocery shopping requires a trip out of town. When you get paid in 4 installments through out the month, you have to buy things in four trips at least for each need. To fill my 12 gallon car 4 times a week at $3/gal: $36X4: $144/month in gas. People's energy bills for their homes are around $400 for natural gas. Winters here are long and in the teens.

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