I'm sure there is much more to say, but what does it have to do with the question I've posed?
Well it started because you said you obey God's word - seemingly regardless of the context - because to regard context when interpreting 'God's word' would be far too fleshly - where's the Spirit?
However, from all the skipping back and forth between little bits of my replies, you are merely trying to confuse the topic further. Case in point - IF you had quoted the other verse from Acts in the first place instead of dragging me off on a wild goose chase, it would have been answered much sooner..., now you return to my point about God's sovereignty... without really addressing what I actually wrote. Where shall we go with that one then?
I answered your original question can God's love be demanded - there is no need to, it's a free gift. What did that have to do with Jacob and Esau? So please don't accuse me of starting topics within topics - that is rather a case of pot meet kettle!
I resurrected an old thread of yours this morning - you did exactly the same thing in that and were openly called for it - sidestepping, ducking and weaving - to the point that you were called a troll. I'll take the cheap shot here - you're hardly giving fine Christian witness here are you?