If you dont believe in God...according to the bible you are a fool!

by Blackboo 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Trevanian

    Hmm, let me think about this.

    God says if you dont believe in him...he views you as a fool! Of course most people who dont believe in him or the bible will get offended


    Don't think many people who don't believe in god will be particularly offended if the god they don't believe in views them as a fool.

  • Blackboo

    Most of you guys are missing the point! Pretty sad some of you think the way you do..but that thinking is non-sense! How is evolution not chance and luck? What does males nipples have to do with anything? Are ya,ll that DUMB. A man has nipples because it separates himself from female! So evolution cause women to have breast? So evolution cause every human to have A different tongue and finger print? Evolution is why Santa Claus exist? How does evolution have the knowledge to create? So Evolution made man a penis and woman a vagina? So evolution caused the Moon, sun, and stars? So evolution caused people to become homosexual and killers? So evolution caused men and women hair to be different from each other? Evolution caused a cat to meow and a dog to bark? Think about it......if WE as humans can create...who gave us this intelligence to do it? God or evolution? Now please do not insult my intelligence again...or i will have to go into more deeper examples.

  • Satanus
  • Blackboo

    @Almost atheist just think about it....God is eternal and a spirit and can call fire from heaven at ANYTIME..so if he can do it at anytime the obvious answer is these chemicals jus didnt come about..but came about by God himself..he is the source of all things. And think about what i said about who created God? If he was created who created the person who created him? It is IMPOSSIBLE by LOGIC reasoning because the cycle will never END. Life has to come from a already existing life. Thats why God is eternal. How can evolution cause the life of animals and humans? What is the source to cause humans and animals to have such perfect design? Evolution is saying that our existence is due to the processing of biological non-living organisms! How can this be possible? Thats a REAL insult. So over a million years these non-living organisms decided to create a brain in humans after the process of having two legs? Ridiculous!

  • serotonin_wraith
    How is evolution not chance and luck?

    If you check the videos, all will be revealed. I can keep saying it's not chance and luck, but unless you understand what evolution is you will keep repeating yourself.

    What does males nipples have to do with anything? Are ya,ll that DUMB. A man has nipples because it separates himself from female!

    Females have nipples too, and they serve a purpose. What purpose do male nipples serve?

    So evolution cause women to have breast?

    It did cause this, yes.

    So evolution cause every human to have A different tongue and finger print?


    Evolution is why Santa Claus exist?

    Lost me, sorry.

    How does evolution have the knowledge to create?

    It doesn't. Evolution is blind.

    So Evolution made man a penis and woman a vagina?


    So evolution caused the Moon, sun, and stars?

    No, that is not evolution. Evolution is how living things change over time.

    So evolution caused people to become homosexual and killers?

    Outside influence may play a role in the killers part. Evolution can lead some of the species to become homosexual.

    So evolution caused men and women hair to be different from each other?

    No, the hairdresser does that.

    Evolution caused a cat to meow and a dog to bark?


    Think about it......if WE as humans can create...who gave us this intelligence to do it? God or evolution?

    The intelligence comes from our brains, a product of evolution.

  • blueviceroy

    I hate to add fuel to the fire but , I don't see much merit to your argument .

    We are here , is more proof needed that something we don't fully understand happened that caused us to be.

    What we believe is completely beside the point. How could the belief of mankind really matter to how hot the sun is or where we come from?

    The word is HUBRIS, look it up , it covers the reason for most of mankinds suffering..

  • Blackboo

    Most of you guys are just mad because im telling the truth. How about you give a REAL logical reason or answer to why i am wrong or right instead of attacking my argument? Evolution will NEVER be TRUE! Because its a LIE! If God knows the end from the start..how can a man change Gods plan and believe he is right on the things he teaches? Its time to change your thinking..and im not light with this warning of mines. God says what he means and will execute everything that is written in the bible! Jesus is the one who is coming...who is Allah? There is but ONE God who name is Jesus christ who along with his Father who have been together forever side by side. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus is created! This is a big LIE and DECEPTION. How can Jesus be created if the Father declared "Let US make man in OUR image? Key words are us and our..which represent two people! The Witnesses claim that Jesus help created all OTHER things! What a slap in the face to a logical thinking person. The Lord Father and son Christ created ALL things not other. If you are a current Jehovah's Witnesses seriously think about the logical reasoning behind this and plain versus of the bible.

  • blueviceroy

    My friend the burden of proof lies on the one advancing the idea , not the one listening , so please , I'm completely open to PROOF.

    Will you please offer some proof rather than forcfully pushing an opinion without paragraph breaks.

    Did you look up hubris yet?

  • Blackboo

    @Wraith i seriously hope you change your deceptive thinking..but im telling you what you believe is not true. Evolution is blind? Are you kidding me? You mean to tell me men who know how to build cars, airplanes, guns, computers, rockets, space shuttles, and transit centers are blind????!!!! Think seriously about what you just said. I never heard of ANYONE who is blind build a two story building...Dont insult my God-given intelligence once again..you need to come better than that..your views are not supporting any FACTS.

  • serotonin_wraith

    You say evolution is a lie, yet you don't know what it is. It would be helpful to learn first and then decide if you agree with it or not.

    Perhaps the Biblical god isn't real, just like the 2,850 other gods you don't believe in. Don't you think it's a stroke of 'luck and chance' that you happened to be born in a place and time that just happened to be teaching the correct religion out of the thousands on offer?

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