The problem I see is that the annointed will never go away and die. They will keep coming back each year like a bad dream partaking at the memorial. And increasing in numbers each year ! Just look at the statistics folks, they don't go away ! So , with that in mind the great tribulation is a farce, a dream, it won't happen ! But probably by 2020 we will have 20,000 annointed all thinking they were replacements for unfaithful annointed who had passed by the wayside. It's rigodam#@ diculous ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Confirmed! Watchtower Feb 15 08 brings the "generation" change
by observador 175 Replies latest watchtower bible
very interesting.
I'll be back
I think it is just their way of explaining why there were 245 more anointed counted last year and that 4 of the GB are under 60 and were born after 1935 (a point about 1935 being the end of the calling of the anoined that was already eliminated in a recent QFR).
So the reminder of the explanation that some will still be alive is a CYA measure. I don't think they imagined that over 8,500 would be still hanging on.
Blondie, the QFR was the way of explaining why the anoited are still around, and will keep on comng. I don't see how supposed new info next year changes anything.......let me know please if I am off on this..........thanks, oompa
How interesting that the latest light on the duration of that generation is hidden away in a puny footnote.
Compare the clever sizing-down of this once-pivotal teaching with earlier-decades very bold statements in the main study articles.
the heavenly "marriage of the Lamb." The Bible links that marriage to the time of the approaching great tribulation
Since members of the annointed will always be on earth, there's no way the "Bride" will ever be ready for the marriage!
What a great way to postpone the great tribulation until .... well ... never!
How many times did you read to the householder the "generation" scripture and said "you see? It is very close now. That's the proof".
I did it so many times. What a fool!
How interesting that the latest light on the duration of that generation is hidden away in a puny footnote.
I found this interesting as well. When they made the last generation change it was the major focus of a study article and the announcement of the change was followed up by a lot of paragraphs stating that the "new understanding" did not mean that Armageddon was farther away. It was not something that could be easily missed, even by the most brain-dead witnesses. There was a burst of new light that year. If I remember correctly, the generation change was immediately preceaded by the change in the sheep and the goats parable.
This time around they snuck the elimination of 1935 year as the year that the anointed were gathered in a question from the readers. It appears that they're trying to sneak the newest change on the generation by the publishers as well. I wonder why they've decided to take a different approach this time around?
How many times did you read to the householder the "generation" scripture and said "you see? It is very close now. That's the proof".
I did it so many times. What a fool!
I did it to working collegues. Must have been 93/94. I gave a witness at work to the three persone from the department and also went into detail of the "generation of 1914". They said: "There are not many people of that generation still alive." - I replied: "So, you see how close we are."
How embarrassing!
Seems to be less than some expected: the interpretation does focus on the "anointed" but the connection to 1914 remains.
I wonder if there will be a QFR anytime soon to explain away the fact that most if not all Gospel references to "this generation" are negative...
I remember 1975. They are up to their old tricks.
Blondie never thought about the marriage and how can part of the bride still be on earth and get married?! Very interesting
Jourles interesting analogy