I only checked in here briefley yesterday and missed dawg's "good-by" thread. I posted there just now, but don't know if he is checking in any longer.
Many of you realize he and I have had our differences. In fact, is was after a "cyber-fight" with me that he left the last time.
When he returned, he PM'd me several times just making nice, brief little comments on things I'd post. I took this a the "olive branch" I feel he intended.
I began noticing in his posts, that though he still had a passion for speaking out and getting his friends and family "out" the quick and bold way, that he had mellowed some.
I also noticed he was making occassional complimentary comments to others.
Just last week, he and I once more butted heads about the same old thing: DA vs. fade/ go quietly vs. go out with a bang/ baby steps vs. "in your face".
This time, the tone was much more respectful and no "cyber screaming" ensued. We PM'd each other and shared some personal details that shed light on our positions.
In his last thread he makes an apology for having called faders "cowards". I don't think the "old" dawg would have done this.
I feel this man has not only grown in his understanding and empathy, but has had the guts to show us.
I hope he shines in all his new endeavors and keeps his zest for life. I know his new found insights into human complexity will enrichen the experience.
My hat is off to him and I wish him a full and happy life.
I guess an "old dawg" can learn new tricks!!!!
He will be missed.