I wholeheartedly agree that Jehovah's Witnesses offer some good things. Speaking skills, a structured environment with support mechanisms (effectiveness varies from locale to locale), a detailed description of a future reward for work well done (no contract on delivery time though).
As with all things, one must analyze the value of the offer versus the cost. For some the deal makes sense, for others it doesn't.
This board discusses the value vs cost of the decision every day of the year. People who believe they have gotten a good deal are free to come here and share that with people. People who believe the Watchtower contract they made was not a good deal are free to disagree with them here.
If you are a witness and think its a great deal (benefit vs cost) please share it. Clearly that is the best way to attract people to your way of thinking.
This board offers both sides of the story as opposed to www.watchtower.org which only offers one side.
Unfortunately for the Watchtower Society, their representation in the debate here is not very effective. The great number of people who would be capable of debating the issues from the other side choose to pretend the debate doesn't exist or that debate of the issues is not practical.
Most people simply won't make a decision based on only one side of an argument.
I welcome people to tell me their positive stories regarding their experience in the Watchtower. I want to hear their side of the story.