"For some reason they just remind me of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"Those that hate christianity, those that believe in Atheism, those that are against defending our country, those that want to ban the pledge of allegiance, those that want to remove God from all public places. These are what I call liberals."
So, according to Junction Guy, Jehovah's Witnesses hate Christianity, are atheistic, and want God removed from from all public places. Yeah, you would do really well debating liberals... NOT!
First of all, liberals don't necessarily hate Christianity. Many of them, maybe even a majority are actually Christian. In any case, is it your foregone conclusion that Christianity is true? If it's not true, then wouldn't you want to be against it?
Liberals are not necessarily atheist... but the Best ones are!!
I am a liberal, but I also believe in defending my country. If it ever came to invasion (a real one with armies and stuff, not a dubious jet crashing into a building) I would not hesitate to tke up arms and defend my home country. Now, IMPERIALISTIC INVASIONS OF sovreign countries is another matter. I don't support imperialism. A conservative will probably say that every single military action on the part of the US was completely justified and not imperialistic. I do not agree.
As far as the pledge of allegiance: do you pledge your allegiance to God or to country? You can't do both. Absolute allegiance, by definition, is something you can only give to one cause orperson or entity. Or according to the pledge, you are actually pledging your allegiance to a FLAG. You can only give your allegiance to ONE thing. So is it God or is it country? You will probably reply: God is American, if I know conservatives (read "old world") at all.
As far as taking God out of the pledge, ask yourself, "Have we, as the human race, proven that God exists?" No. It has not been universally established that there is such a thing as God. So, why talk about something that we don't even know exists? Let alone, including a mythological character in a solemn pledge. That just cheapens the pledge, right? It would be presumptuous to include something that may just be a myth in a solemn pledge.
Here's my list of differences between liberals and conservatives. I will refer to liberals, as I like to do, as "transformatives" (the actual opposite of conservatives. I find "liberal" to be a loaded and misleading label.) Understand that these are generalizations, and of course do not represent ALL consrvatives or transformatives.
Transformatives: World, or universal viewpoint. More objective.
Consrvatives: American viewpoint. More subjective.
Transformatives: War as last resort and only to genuinely defend oneself, not to gain wealth or prosperity or to destablize other nations to keep them buying weapons from us for their civil wars that we caused or encouraged.
Conservatives: Have never opposed so much as a single war for ANY reason. Generally open to the idea that war is a good way to solve problems.
Transformatives: Do not easily trust their leaders. Demand proof before belief.
Conservatives: Will do just about anything their leaders ask them to do without questioning them, especially if they are asking them to join a war effort
Transformatives: For progress, change, improvement, evolution.
Conservatives: Generally think that the answers were held in the "old days and old ways." Generally resistant to change (hence consrvative).
Transformatives: Base their morality on what is evident from the natural world, Socratic absolute morality, intrinsic and self evident morality without need of God. They do not commit morally wrong acts because they are "just wrong." We admit we don't know why or how it is wrong, we just know that it is. It is also based largely on harm. Things are wrong basically because they are harm against an unwilling victim.
Consrvatives: Base their morality on a Jewish book of historical fiction. Morality is more a list of do's and don't's from what they imagine is an invisible man from outer space, or a very insecure and picky control freak - God.
Transformatives: Against slavery.
Consrvatives: Supported slavery.
Transformatives: For civil rights.
Consrvatives: Opposed civil rights legislation for many, many years. Fought tooth and nail to prevent equality and desegregation.
Transformatives: For women's right to vote.
Consrvatives: opposed women's rights on the basis of scripture.
Transformatives: For multiculturalism.
Consrvatives: Against multiculturalism (read "immigration")
Transformatives: Want church kept out of politics. Want to be known as a nation open and accepting to all peoples, that endorses no one religion in particular.
Consrvatives: Want church doctrine to RULE politics. (God in pledge, oppose gay marriage, abortion, they want to be known as a Christian nation)
Transformatives: Trust science because it can PROVE its claims by experiment. They do not typically venture into what is not provable, like God's existence.
Conservatives: Do not trust provable science, but put explicit trust in an ancient book of fiction as well as other unprovable doctrines. Put what some guy SAID thousands of years ago above what we can prove in a laboratory today.
Transformatives: Embrace the strange, unknown and new. Spirit of exploration. No such thing as "taboo." nothing is sacred. No such thing as blasphemy. No concept of holy dirt (land). No need to fight over Jerusalem. If God exists at all, he does not favor Jews or Americans.
Consrvatives: Afraid of the unknown,or new or different. Spirit of avoidance of strange things. Labels things "taboo." Fears blasphemy. Things like land (dirt) and sex are sacred and attached to long lists of rules about them. Holy land. Believe in the concept of Jerusalem. Must fight for Jerusalem. God sides with Israel and America.
Transformatives: Main value is 'care or nurturance." Nurturant parent metaphors.
Conservatives: Main value is strength. Strict father metaphors.
Transformatives: More scientific about beliefs. No concept of sacred or cherished beliefs to cling on to. Change their beliefs based on available evidence. Not emotionally attached to beliefs. Nothing to fight or kill or die for.
Consrvatives: More apologistic about beliefs. More faithful and emotional about beliefs. Beliefs are sacred and cherished and must be defended to the death, even if it means killing people or dying a sacrificial death.
Someone else want to continue this list? This is kind of fun.