His policies have caused a huge uprising of resentment for the US and our ideals throughout the world which has directly enabled up-and-coming dictators like Vladimir Putin and Hugo Chavez to seize power. Russia is going to become a totalitarian fascist state again simply because Russians want to distance themselves from us.
Hugo Chavez tried to sieze power with a coup back in the early 90's..... he was released a couple of years later and officially gained control around 1998, which was before Bush was even in office.
Your summarization of Russia and Putin is equally oversimplified and incorrect.
I know that you are 25, so you get a pass on both, but I would suggest taking the time to reread what you actually write and editing out the nonsense before submitting.
This thread started out bad and has gone down hill ever since.
R's Hubby (not to be confused with r.)