
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    That was the reaction of people who know me in REAL LIFE. People who see me on a regular basis. People who can touch me. People who immediately effect me, and thus... matter.

    People like attorneys, judges, the local constabulary and prison guards?

    Although Seth meets all of your critical criteria, for some reason he doesn't matter.

  • katiekitten
    That was the reaction of people who know me in REAL LIFE. People who see me on a regular basis. People who can touch me. People who immediately effect me, and thus... matter.

    People like attorneys, judges, the local constabulary and prison guards?


  • Honesty
    What I find disturbing is that while Richie claims to have all kinds of proof he offered none - and that is because he doesn't have any. He never worked here, He never worked with me, He has never attended any of the fakir intensives seminars. I'm shocked that so many people have eaten up his lies and accepted them so easily. More over I am shocked that many people here maintain "its none of my business" attitude towards this situation - richie made it your business when he led you to believe he is someone he has not - and he has been doing it at least since march and is still trying to do it now. Yes, it sucks for me - not that this is forum's problem. But it doesn't change the facts that he has been lying about himself in so small amount to the readers of this forum for a good long time. And that is your problem - if you choose to deal with it or not might not be much of business in the end, but still I cannot refrain from remarking on gullibility of many of the people on this forum.

    I don't know you but I do know Richie. You could be kin to one of the Jehovah's Witnesses on the Governing Body for all I know and are just trying to stir things up a bit. One thing I do know about you is that you didn't hesitate to jump on this board and sling mud. That tells me a lot about your character. Have a nice life. CLICK

  • Mary
    What I find disturbing is that while Richie claims to have all kinds of proof he offered none - and that is because he doesn't have any. He never worked here, He never worked with me, He has never attended any of the fakir intensives seminars. I'm shocked that so many people have eaten up his lies and accepted them so easily. More over I am shocked that many people here maintain "its none of my business" attitude towards this situation - richie made it your business when he led you to believe he is someone he has not - and he has been doing it at least since march and is still trying to do it now. Yes, it sucks for me - not that this is forum's problem. But it doesn't change the facts that he has been lying about himself in so small amount to the readers of this forum for a good long time. And that is your problem - if you choose to deal with it or not might not be much of business in the end, but still I cannot refrain from remarking on gullibility of many of the people on this forum.

    Seth, are you just about finished with your tirade? I've tried staying out of this for the most part, but I'm getting sick to death of this. I don't give a rat's ass if Richie worked for you or if he went to jail for whatever. It doesn't affect me and I think you're a frigging LOSER for telling the world this. How would YOU like it, if someone you knew decided to expose some of your deep dark secrets on the internet for millions of people to see??? You come on this board spamming and guns blazing. The way you tell it, you'd think Richie was a member of Al Quaeda for crissakes. No one here knows you and you offer as "proof" that he's been lying, your telephone number. I don't know if he lied and I don't give a shit. The only way I would care is if I were getting pierced or tatooed by him. If you feel the need to warn people that Richie does not work at your shop, then put a frigging note on your store door and get over it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I don't know you but I do know Richie.
    Do you? What do you know? Do you know where he works? He told us that he worked for Seth, and Seth comes here slinging truth saying, "No, he doesn't work for me and never did." Did you miss that little detail? The fact is, you DON'T know Richie. You know some stories told by Richie. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I don't give a rat's ass if Richie worked for you or if he went to jail for whatever.

    Yeah, that much is obvious. How'd you feel about the Trevor/Linda thing? 'bout the same?

  • Mary
    I don't give a rat's ass if Richie worked for you or if he went to jail for whatever.
    Yeah, that much is obvious. How'd you feel about the Trevor/Linda thing? 'bout the same?

    Nathan, surely you're not suggesting that an 18 year old guy lying about where he worked is the same as an adult man who invents a wife, posts as her, gives her terminal cancer (which affected me a lot as I lived through having cancer) and then has her die after getting everyone emotionally charged, is the same thing are you? Trevor got everyone emotionally involved (as was his plan all along), and accepted money and gifts from people on here. Obviously a man with serious issues. I vaguely remember Richie mentioning that he was working somewhere, getting training or whatever. This is not something that people get emotional about beyond a 'good for him!' type of thing.

    Everyone has told lies in there life. From what I've read about this particular topic, is there anyone on here who has been affected by this? Seth seems to be obsessed with telling people over and over and over again about all of Richie's shortcomings and seems pissed off that the majority of us simply do not care. My view is that this isn't the same as the Trevor/Linda episode, or the Danny Haszard episode-----it's something that has been completely blown way out of proportion and for god's sake, just let it drop......

  • KW13

    I agree with Mary, richie...whatever happened dude it doesnt matter - Benefit of the doubt, you do that for FRIENDS. You are nothing like Trevor, your still young like me and we got a lot of other things to do in our life. Raise a middle finger to the doubters and have fun mate.

  • 144001
    but still I cannot refrain from remarking on gullibility of many of the people on this forum.

    I cannot refrain from remarking about the poor character of many people who work in tattoo parlors, and Seth does an excellent job of illustrating my point.

    Kid-bashing Seth is just another Watchtower in Richie's life. And he's just another troll on this forum.

  • JK666

    Nathan N.,

    My first question is, why are YOU so damn emotionally invested in this?

    Second, why did you reveal the Trevor/Linda information in such a crass and disrespectful way on this forum. There were many on this board that were deeply affected, but you were only interested in sensationalizing it with the picture you posted. It seems totally ironic that you have the nerve to bring up that can of worms here.

    Inquiring minds want to know.


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