
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    Hey Rich, good luck - I think you made the right decision to come back and make the comments that you did. Nothing but a bunch of drama that should never have stunk up the board to begin with. This is exactly why I would never share current personal information on this board. To think that people think they are entitled to phone employers etc and discuss personae identified by screen names OR real information is just mind boggling. The short list of folks I HAVE made acquaintance and friendship with VIA this board, (But off this board), would never deem such action appropriate.

    My advice to all is never place any information on a message board of this size and kind that can be traced back to your life specifics. That is misplaced trust that can and likely will return to bite you in the ass. Nor do I place more than a minimal amount of confidence in most anything that I read on this board, have been the recipient of aforementioned ass-biting on more than one occasion. Personal information should remain just that, PERSONAL.

    Rich, I bet you've learned a bit the past few days about the true nature of folks. Take that with you and leave the rest, at least with that knowledge you can say you gleaned something positive out of it.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    To think that people think they are entitled to phone employers etc and discuss personae identified by screen names OR real information is just mind boggling.

    Well, I admit my mind has been boggled. I have owned and run my own business and I too understand how crucial reputation is to one's business. Still, it's a pretty big leap to conclude that because of that, Seth's business or Ritchie's business is ANY of MY business!


  • Odrade

    Restrangled's hubby defends her by saying that in real life, he calls out his friends if he thinks he has a reason. I would like to know if it is his habit to do so at a large party in front of 100 of his friends, or if he prefers to handle such matters privately?

    So here we have unsubstantiated accusations (because one can claim anything, then post a phone number where they can be reached to "verify" the claims. Just because you reach them, and they repeat the accusations doesn't mean it is verified,) made by someone nobody knows, that all of a sudden have been not only plastered all over a board, still UNVERIFIED, but then jumped on for 100s of posts ASSuming that the accusations are true and demanding an answer.


    Richie, nice "apology." IMO, I have yet to see anything verifiable that you needed to apologize for, and if these are the kinds of friends you get around here, I hope you have contact information for those who aren't backstabbers. I can't see a reason why you'd ever come back here. Normal people wouldn't, after such treatment. Good for you for coming around and making a public statement though. Have a good Christmas, maybe I'll see you around (some other) board sometime.

  • Rebirth

    I'm not going to take a side. I just know that as a business owner, I wouldn't have even bothered with posting a rebuttle if someone slandered my business. I would have been on the phone with my lawyer and had a slander suit set up that day. I've dealt with angry clients w/a score to settle and you do everything by the book, crossing all your T's and dotting all your I's.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    There are way too many pompous, self righteous and judgemental people here.

    And to think that the judgementalism of the dubs gets a caning *shakes head sadly*

  • Mastodon

    I just have to say, regardless of what really happened, some people have WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS and take the Internet and discussion boards way too seriously. I've seen it plenty of times on other boards and I think it's more than a little sad...

    So, even though I consider Richie a friend, I am not going to defend him. What difference would it make in his life, or in mine? NONE. None of us pay Richie's bill, none of us wear his shoes, so all of us should just shut the hell up. So let's say, for the sake of argument, that's his stories are BS, who the f*#k cares? what difference would that make? They sure have been entertaining.

    On the flip side, I am not going to attack Restrangled, even as I question who has time to go fishing for dirt, or whatever, about someone who has no bearing in his/her life. So, for the sake of argument, let's say that Restrangled's husband had to wait an extra hour for dinner while she did her investigation, who cares? Are you married to her? Are you hungry and still waiting for dinner while your wife's on the phone with some dude y'all don't know, talking smack about another dude y'all don't know? No you're not. So again, who cares?

    So while some people worry about who said/did what to whom, life goes on. And with so much shit that goes on everyday on our lives and all the shit we've been through in the past, I find it ironic and a little pathetic that a situation like this needs to be a 'scandal'.

    And as I look at the clock, I realize that I'm a bit pathetic too...

  • oldflame


    Hey man I remember when you came on JWD, I always thought that you had good things to say and you gave good insight to what the watchtower really is. I am sure that you have helped many here at JWD and I even learned more by your threads and post. I must have missed something as I do not know what you are talking about and I am not going to go look either because I try not to cast stones at anyone, and God forgive for the times i have.

    But like I wrote on another thread earlier, we run into all kinds of people. Everyone is different but one thing we all have in common is we came out of a cult. I have noticed in the society that there is one thing it's members are very good at and that's casting stones. They are trained to do that from the society. I think that eventually we learn and we grow out of those old ways and turn new leaves as we grow in our new lives.

    So this coming from someone who was the same but now new in life have changed and I am sure that eventually in every ones own time will also change. Let's at least hope so. Your a good person Richie, I know you from your beginnings here as many do and I just recall an old rhyme you know the one ? It says ' sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. ' So don't let others hurt you man just ignore them and pray for them because we all can use a good prayer to overcome the atrocities of the watchtower.

  • jefferywhat

    One rule everyone should apply, if your going to say something negative about someone, do it with the individual present.

    In the 5 minutes I spent reading all of this it would appear that Seth has a personal issue with Mr. RR, why did he feel the need to publish it, he could have just called RR and sorted it out, if he was a professional business man that is.

    Seth, take a little advice from a famous aussie....

    Dont view if swearing offends!!!!!!

    Everyone, business is business, leave it there and let them sort it out.

    Restrangled........let it go, your not his mum, boss or judge and remember not all old man are wise and not all young man are stupid!!!

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    LOL. are people now training their "parental skills(TM)" on RR? amusing how people have nothing better to do than opening "cans of worms" (ooooooh) - no wait, actually it's sad.

    confucius say: "get a life".

  • Warlock

    May I can kill THIS thread.

    Can we stop now?


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