this is my first post here. i am hoping that since i am probably in the minority here that we can show a mutual respect for each other beliefs. im willing to discuss anything if we can keep it respectful. now before i go on, i will say that in my observation many of the active witnesses that come on this site, have an arrogance about them that turns people off. hell, it turns me off. a quick example is there was a witness who was studying on here and the blood issue was brought up. her basic response was a blanket statement that there is nothing wrong with the blood issue and so what if she dies, she has the resurrection. Now that may be true, however its comments like that, that make witnesses look like nut jobs. (in the grand scheme of things, that is a minor one, lol) My comment would be that not all witnesses are like that, and there are witnesses like myself who cringe at the stuff many witnesses say or do. Are alot of witnesses like that? Yes. Are many, many witnesses making life or death decisions based on only what the society allows and not what they themselves have researched? Yes. Thats sad and a mess. But its real. Here is the thing about me, regardless, I try to keep it real as much as possible. Facts are facts. The witnesses that the OP is talking about that believe they are forbade to even entertain opposing viewpoints or debate them are Watchtower Witnesses. These people would deny the ransom sacrifice is the society wrote an article that said Jesus was no longer in the equation. Now, I know many here are going to jump all over me and bring up the fact that the society says not to go on the internet, not to do this, not to do that. my response is, I did not get the memo that said that as one of Jehovah's Witnesses I had to take all suggestions the society makes as laws. Do alot of witnesses think that? Yes. Is it right? No, its clearly scripturally not the case. Anyway, as I said, i am open to discussion, all i ask is we keep it respectful. I will say that I respect the fact that each person on this board has a right to believe whatever they want to just as I do. I am in no way authorized to judge anyone, nor am I authorized to judge anyone an apostate. People that judge other people are idiots. That is one of the most clear scriptural principles there is, and yet people still do it. Oh well, thats another issue. Anyway, I have browsed this place for a while and frankly many of you I would not consider apostates. What I see is that there are people who have been gravely harmed by other witnesses and the society and use this board as therapy. I use the Bibles view of apostates, not anyone elses. An apostate is not a person who talks about real problems and real mistakes the society has made. Talking about the fact that the society and the congregations are in crisis, does not make you an apostate, at least not Bibilicy and frankly any other opinion other than the Bibles, I am not interested in, weather they are apostates or the society. Anyway, I dont want to come off preachy, thats one of the reasons i posted because the original poster is referring to witnesses and due to the fact that alot of witnesses are rude, arrogant, putting their foot in the door mo fo's, he looks at all witnesses that way. I am here to say that not all of them are like that. Most of them are, lol, but not all. haha Keep it real!