A fair and reasonable question for Jehovah's Witnesses

by Gregor 78 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the Board yourmomma.

    I agree with what you say, whats difficult for me is that The WT will throw you out of the religion if you bring up questions to them tagging you as apostate.........and as you stated is not something scriptually wrong from the bible. So a JW has to constantly censor what they say and ask, and seperate the WT from bible teachings. Which is what alot of religions do already. The difference with the WTs thinking and other religions is that to do that is going against the religion, the bible and not the Society.

    Glad you are here


  • Gopher

    Yourmomma --

    I'd like to be the "third" to welcome you to the discussion board. Your post was really interesting and reveals an open-mindedness that I found among some JW's when I was one.

    I respect that you came here for an honest conversation, and will not question your motives for doing so!

    When you hear "apostates" being vilified at an assembly or at the Kingdom Hall, and yet you know that what they call "apostates" are really former members who express their hurt at how they were treated, is their some kind of dissonance in your mind? Do you choose to filter out some of the things being told to you by the organization? If so, what benefit is there to you in being loyal to an organization which teaches some things you don't fully take to heart?

    Just wondering what your thoughts are!

  • nvrgnbk

    Feel free to say whatever you want to about my momma, yourmomma.

    Welcome to JWD.



    If your goal is to come to "an accurate knowledge of truth", willing to shed any and all thoughts that impede that, you probably will. If you want to stay in your intellectual comfort zone, you're screwed. It's all up to you.

    Success to you.

    For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. - Carl Sagan

    Excellent topic, Gregor.

  • *summer*

    Welcome to JWD, yourmomma!

    What an interesting post!

    Also hope we hear more from you.


  • Anti-Christ
    A "fair and reasonable question" will only have impact on a fair and reasonable person


    Good point.

    Yourmomma welcome to the board! You seem to be a reasonable person I hope your visit here will be educational.

  • Paralipomenon

    Hi yourmomma, welcome to the boards.

    Keep in mind, that just as all witnesses aren't robots tied to the will of the Governing body, not all ex-witnesses will respect a request for fair interchange. Saddly I can almost assure you that you will get some flack from some members here, but hope that you can realize that they don't represent the majority of the posters here.

    PS. You must be using Firefox or a Mac. In order to preserve formatting on these forums, you need to make sure "Check here to use HTML formatting" is turned off and "Automatic Cr/Lf" is turned on.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Ok, yourmomma, you ready to RUU-MMMM-BBBBLLLLLE!?!

    Just teezin'.

    Here's something that bothered me from an early age as a JW and even bothers my 99% JW-loyal wife. It bothered her so much, she came up with her own spin on it, and keeps it neatly locked away.

    Ok, here it is:

    Virtually the entire human population, save for whatever percentage of the JWs are deemed worthy, will be slaughtered at Armageddon.

    A typical JW response is:

    1. We don't judge. God does. We can't say for sure how many will survive.

    My reply: Yes but WT literature feels free to judge. If you honestly read WT quotes re: who will survive, there's no way you can say any SIGNIFICANT percentage of non-JW humans are going to be spared. If you can find one, I'd like to read it. Is a God who is soon to wipe out over 6 billion humans one you have no problem loving and worshipping?

    Have you ever wondered about this?

    Open Mind

  • yourmomma
  • yourmomma

    these blank posts were me having trouble formatting my post so it didnt look like 1 big block. sorry mods!

  • yourmomma

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