Don't take this wrong I appreciate kind words or good advice from anyone. Got lot's of nice PM's recently from some concerned ones here this week....but I got two from a JW lady, that I had explained I had some lingering issues with being taught me and my parents would never get old and die....among other things....she said:
I don't recall ever being told I would never die. I was told of the possibility. I still am. If I die of old age in this system, I will still not give up on my faith. Any of us could die in an accident tomorrow ... unforseen occurances ... so what? Being in Jehovah's memory is the best hope there is! What else is there????
Has the world given you anything better??? Do they offer you a better solution to all mans troubles?
I have not replied, but isn't anything better than being lied to? She seems pretty devout JW so don't understand why she is here, and especially in a helpful way?