So why would an active JW be trying to help me here at JWD?

by oompa 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Don't take this wrong I appreciate kind words or good advice from anyone. Got lot's of nice PM's recently from some concerned ones here this week....but I got two from a JW lady, that I had explained I had some lingering issues with being taught me and my parents would never get old and die....among other things....she said:

    I don't recall ever being told I would never die. I was told of the possibility. I still am. If I die of old age in this system, I will still not give up on my faith. Any of us could die in an accident tomorrow ... unforseen occurances ... so what? Being in Jehovah's memory is the best hope there is! What else is there????

    Has the world given you anything better??? Do they offer you a better solution to all mans troubles?

    I have not replied, but isn't anything better than being lied to? She seems pretty devout JW so don't understand why she is here, and especially in a helpful way?

  • Abandoned

    I think they need to justify that they are still with an organization with such a questionable past and horrible track record.


    Doesn't matter if the world offers anything better, not really the point. A lie is a lie.

    Illusion never changed into something real.

    Glad to see you oompa, I've been worried about you.

  • flipper

    Why would an active witness help you ? Because she is guided under , " cult mind control " and does not know it, and wants you to be under " cult mind control " too, and not know it ! Ignorance is bliss , to the witnnesses . Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • worldtraveller

    I always thought that Witnesses were forbidden to be here (not by jwd). If you are here, this just about kills the idea of you going to this better place. By the way, if you really believe that only a few are headed to this fabulous place, you are sadly mistaken. Why would you believe that God will discriminate?-absurd.

  • journey-on
    I don't recall ever being told I would never die.

    If she said this, then she either wasn't listening or she's a relative newbie JW. I was raised in it, and all my life

    was told we would never see old-age. All my life, I was told that the generation that was alive in 1914 would not

    die off. Sometimes you just want to slap them to wake them up! There IS something BETTER out there, but

    they don't know it and don't have the ability to find it.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Being in Jehovah's memory is the best hope there is!

    Does she realize that by disobeying the GB and being on an "apostate" website on the "evil internet", she could be erased from Jehovah's memory?

  • momzcrazy

    So that you can think how nice those Witlesses are, why in the world did you ever leave? And she can get a credit in the book of life for saving your soul.


  • journey-on

    Also, I can just about guarantee that she's counting the time.

    If she's a real slow typer, just think how many hours she can claim!!

  • Satanus

    Everything she says and does is part of jw programming; forgetting that they were promised that the generation of 1914 would not grow old and pass away before the new system's arrival, thinking that she can and should help you, a person she sees as losing his grip on life, etc, etc.

    Jws are free to come here and take their best shots. They don't last very long, though. They lose it and get deleted, get disgusted w apostates and leave, or they leave the wt corp.


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