Does that expalin why I thought I would never go to high school because the end is so close? I'm 40 now.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire!
by oompa 46 Replies latest jw friends
Does that expalin why I thought I would never go to high school because the end is so close? I'm 40 now.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire!
I have not replied, but isn't anything better than being lied to? She seems pretty devout JW so don't understand why she is here, and especially in a helpful way?
Pretty condescending message, if you ask me. To assume you are such a dumbass that you haven't found anything good for your self and keep going through it every day instead of going back to Jah where life is all sunshine and huge f*cking grapes.
Self righteous b*tch.
Next time I'll tell you how I really feel...k?
Wanderlust you would really enjoy the whole pm....I only listed the nicest parts, not how I was blaming my drinking on WT! The sincerety still came through,
and poor Sunspot...if I studied It was ten minutes for the WT. If I did not study then with a good highliter I could have a well looking studied articlde done in 74 seconds!!!!....what crock of chit.........oompa
I want Rosealee to buy some Rand Cam stock!.....I think I`m the only Dub on the board.That owns stock,in the WBT$ owned Rand Cam!!..It`s a wonderfull opportunity to invest in WBT$ Products that support the War Machine!!.................Rosealee..You could help me and the WBT$ bomb the crap out of third world countries..It means fewer people for God to kill at Armageddon..And..Everybody makes a few dollars helping God!!...........................OUTLAW
Any witless that is trying to "help" you is not actually trying to help. All they want is to recapture you. They will try false reasoning first. If that doesn't work, they will pull out the big guns (which ones depend on whether you are a single "brother" with no attachments in the organization or someone with lots of friends and family). What they really want is for you to go back to meetings all the time. From there, they will work on getting you out in field circus. After you are regular again in field circus, they will work on getting you to pioneering. After a few years, assuming you haven't been reproved recently, you will start being hounded to get even more responsibility.
I hope those witlesses that were trying to "help" you start reading other posts. And not with the idea of trashing them as "apostate". They need to do independent research on the "truth", whether or not the Tower approves. Because if they are wrong, they could be at best wasting their whole lives doing something that is the ultimate dead works. At worst, they could be in for a long heatwave.
and poor Sunspot...if I studied It was ten minutes for the WT. If I did not study then with a good highliter I could have a well looking studied articlde done in 74 seconds!!!!....what crock of chit.........oompa
Remember Oompa---I had five kids that I had to set the example for---how could I expect THEM to do their study if I didn't buckle down and do it myself! Right down to the little one, I would have a question marked with her name on it so she would be all ready and rehearsed to answer. The same thing with my grandson when he got to be old enough to answer. I was such a patsy!
Sunspot, I did not know about all those kids, and you were still a great mom. Usually kids got a kick out comenting, and of course us parents were so proud....looking on the bright side.....oompa
momz, you nasty little milf you...
I've been asked same question the other day. So I said, yes it gave me education instead of useless theocratic school, girlfirend to die for instead of damaged psycho who grew up in the cult and purpose in life instead of slavery, what else could I ask for?
You guys are funny! I am not giving up my loyal Jehover Witness friends identity, but Rosalee is a nice name...................oompa
LOL yeah we've missed her. Give her our regards and love, m'kay Even with their thorns, roses are still beautiful...