So why would an active JW be trying to help me here at JWD?

by oompa 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Being in God's memory is her greatest hope? How sad.

  • oompa
    You guys are funny! I am not giving up my loyal Jehover Witness friends identity, but Rosalee is a nice name...................oompa
    LOL yeah we've missed her. Give her our regards and love, m'kay Even with their thorns, roses are still beautiful

    Funny eclipse, so many had a good idea of who preached to me. I had never seen that here yet and thought it was really odd. Do they ever really do it in a thread, or just in pms?........................oompa....she has dissed me now

  • LouBelle

    Maybe she is using this site to witness on & count hours?? or perhaps she wants to try convert us badies.

    I recall when I was still in school never thinking I would get to my final year because Armegeddon was so close - well I"ve been out of school for 14 years already - and I still hear Armegeddon is soooo close. **vomit**

  • chickpea

    intentions aside, for good or ill.... is it not evident nearly every member here has direct access to more than enough resources related to the teachings of the WTBTS ? intentions aside, it seems awfully intrusive, even moreso than door to door preaching on a holiday!!

    i do hope, m. oompa, that there is a dawn on the horizon as you move thru darker moments......

  • Kenneson

    Goodness, I don't want to be a "recorder" that someday God is going to "play back." I want to be me.

  • sass_my_frass

    How about my 'resurrection lightbulb moment' solution:

    Lady, when you die, Jehovah will store your DNA and all your thoughts experiences and memories in the big book of life. In the resurrection, he will create a perfect copy of your body and install all your thoughts experiences and memories in it. The problem: it won't be you in paradise, it will be your clone. Your body either decayed away or was incinerated, and your soul 'went out' when you died just like turning the lights off. If you die before Armageddon, you will never see the paradise.

    Bummer hey?

  • nvrgnbk

    So why would an active JW be trying to help me here at JWD?

    Because that's what active JW's do, oompa.

    They are everywhere, ready to help.

    Bibles and Watchtowers in hand, they stand ready to enlighten and brighten.

    They fear no fact.

    Logic is wasted upon them.

    If you refuse their help, well then screw you!

    May Jehovah bless you!

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