'I'm supporting Pastor' are his exact words. I suppose i used negative words in describing it. Did i overdo it? Maybe.
'Socrates believed that the complete truth lives within each of us and if the proper technique was used, the truth could be drawn out or "educed." I don't know if I agree with that, but if he was right (or CLOSE to right) then we don't need ANY outside source to help us find our way'
This is similar to the way it appears to me. This is why i'm negative on the practice most western religionists have of turning so much control over to their group, their god, their leader. Most of us start out by identifying w groups. First our family, then maybe religious or city/state/nation group. These are phases, i believe are natural, but we should pass through them. We must individually act to reach this internal truth. Each of us has our own path to go to reach it. Teachers and books can help. When the student is ready the teacher arrives. I'm only a student. Those 2 books are broad studies of spirituality. They don't promote any one way. I believe they could be helpful for some one new to the spiritual path concept. After all, a proper technique, as socrates described it, must be found. As long as RR keeps seeking, he will find it, even without these books. The first experience is like going through a door. He has already done that.
BTW do you happen to remember in which book socrates, or whoever quoted him said that?
Thanks SS