Is it all Rutherfords fault?

by sleepy 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate


    Ah Madman, this is exactly why I won't help you.
    I did't ask you to help me. I ask you to post the Russell/Pyramids photos for their educational value to all viewers of this DB.

    I don't see what the big fuss is about photos of Russell at the great pyramid.

    There you go again. How many lies can you tell in one thread?

    Where are the originals? I have no idea, Dr. Leslie Jones published the reports, he left the Society in the early 1920s, he died in the 1930s. he had no family. perhaps they're sitting in somebodies photo album, I don't know.
    IF you are telling the truth, then your research efforts are piss-poor, and your alleged exhaustive WTS history book will be nothing but a rehash of previously published info.

    BUT, then, you really don't want to find anything that would upset BS theology, do you?

    You and BSers are nothing but unheated JW left-overs.

  • sleepy

    I want to see those photo's.
    Can anyone trace them?

  • MadApostate


    Since 95+% of the people here either have their emails locked or are using anonymous accounts, it is safe to say that most folks don't want strangers knowing their personal info for reasons that are obvious to everyone except you.

    Does having your account open somehow make you superior to those who do not?

    Only in your own mind, where I'm sure there are many, many other delusions rattling around.

  • mike047

    HI MA; What delusions?? Because I won't cowtow to you, come on get a life.

  • MadApostate


    No problem. I understand that you only have time to "kowtow" to your fellow BSer, RoRo!

  • mike047


  • sleepy

    What is going on here?

  • RR


    I want to see those photo's. Can anyone trace them?

    Sleepy, the only photos are in MA's head. He forgets that the Bible Students have no centeral organization, like the JW's. SO he asume that we have a large archive somehwre hoarding all these photos or whatever. Russell went on a world tour, since he believed the Great Pyramid of Giza was "God's Stone Witness," he visited there. MA apparently believes otherwise. Any photos that were taken were already published in the reports of that year.

    Is it possible that there were other photos? Sure, there were other Bible Students who went along for the ride, no doubt they had their own cameras, but if such photos exist, they're in the personal belongings of those who took the photos. MA acts like there's a big conspiracy. If he is such the sleuth, he should find these phantom photos himself. But first I'd like to know what the big deal about these so called photos is about? Pictures of Russell at the pyramid, so what?

    I Still Believe ....

  • MadApostate


    I'll give you one thing; your posts certainly are entertaining.

    The first line of the first paragraph in your latest post opens with:

    Sleepy, the only photos are in MA's head.
    Then, you close that first paragraph with:

    Any photos that were taken were already published in the reports of that year.

    Then, you open the next paragraph with:

    Is it possible that there were other photos? Sure, ...

    First, you say: No Photos.

    Next, you say: Some Photos.

    Then, you say: Other photos.

    You certainly are the man to write the BSers version of Proclaimers!

  • RR

    Listen Moron, I never said there NEVER were photos. It is evident that there were photos taken, because they were published in the reports of the world tour. You on the other hand believe there are other photos that either Bible Students or the Watchtower are hoarding or have destroyed to save them from some embarrassing episodes. I can't speak for the Watchtower, I can only speak for the Bible Students.

    There is a difference between official photos by the tour group and those photos taken by others were were there. Whether there are such photos taken by passerbys or those who attended I cannot say. HOWEVER, IF there are such photos, they would then be in the hands of either families of those who were there or else lost.

    But aside from that! YOU have yet to come clean as to your motives behind wanting these photos. If you claim to be such the great researcher, then you would have the reports, if you have the reports then you have the photos!

    Whether they are photos taken of Russell at the pyramid by the official photographer at the tour or by some attendee, it makes no diiference. The photos would be the same, Russell at the pyramid!

    I Still Believe ....

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