Ready to out myself...

by Mickey mouse 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tula


    what originally brought you in as a lurker?

    did you just happen to find the forum from a search engine while you were looking for something else?

    were you in search of answers to scriptural questions?

    had you heard rumors about a website of "apostates" and decided to take a peek out of curiosity?

    were you a "spy" for the organization?

    were you looking to flush out renegades from your area?

    Can you tell did you discover the site and what was your initial motivation for lurking?

    Thank you. Welcome. Glad you are here now. reason I ask all these questions is because, according to another thread, elders have now been given the task of "searching myspace" to out JWs that may be posting there. It seems that may give them carte blanc to stumble into other sites as well, like this one. Hope they do and hope some will come to their senses like you have.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks for all the replies. It has been interesting reading your stories. I am female. Not in the US. Not a spy . I have a husband also JW, I have not yet shared my misgivings with him. I think it was researching 607BCE that originally got me thinking, then I found out about Ray Franz etc on the internet. Funny to think all of that happened in my lifetime and I had no idea. 1975 has been an eye opener too (not the official version read about in the WT but what really happened).

    A couple of you have mentioned I should be looking out for my children, not my parents. I guess I was trying to find a way where I could absorb most of the hurt and shield them all as much as possible. I will continue to consider my options.

  • caliber

    I would like to express a big welcome to all on this site. This topic is one that lends itself to probably thousands of lurkers who need to see

    and think but must also express conflicting and confusing feelings at some point. "Just putting on a happy face" does not solve those inner core

    feelings that must come out! Let's not have comments like "we had this topic 8 years ago". This is a very SELFISH and SELF CENTERED

    comment. Just let the HEALING BEGIN!

  • PEC



  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome to the board.

    Can't write much more right now.

    It's a meeting night and kids/spouse are swooping past the monitor in a fairly regular holding pattern.

    I feel your pain. I live it daily.

    Take your time. Read. Digest. Ask. Listen. Repeat.

    Open Mind

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