Well, I went this weekend and there were a few key points that I thought were pretty interesting. One thing is that we are not to use the word 'Society' any longer. I don't know if anybody else has heard of this before but I wondered what the reason was behind it.
The next was really no suprise at all as they went over all the dangers of the Internet. They gave examples of young ones being assaulted sexually, porn, and incorrect emails. They did not mention anything about Apostate information at all. The next thing they spent about 5 minutes on were Myspace accounts. They were having a hard time in one particular congregation and realized there was one thing that set it apart from the others. It was that 8 of the young people had Myspace accounts. Also they came out and stated that you cannot have responsibilities and have a Myspace account. I have been hearing rumors that each congregation elder body is supposed to search Myspace for members of the congregation to keep it clean.
Finally there was a full talk on drinking. It stated in clear terms that you should not in any way have even one drink and then drive. It also stated that it would be improper for a brother who is on a date to have any alcohol as this is just testing ourselves and our morals. I wondered if anybody else had heard this information.
The last talk went over everything. The District Overseer got really angry and asked why they were having these talks every year and smacked his hand on the platform and said "BROTHERS!!! YOU ARE NOT LISTENING, MANY OF YOU ARE REBELIOUS!"