I went to the doctor today and was told I'm going to hell!!!!!!!!!!

by changeling 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • hmike

    did this lady send me straight to hell????


    What is it with these fundies??? Where do they get off being so judgemental???

    That was not judgemental.

    Besides, if you don't believe hell exists, why would it bother you anyway?

  • Aphrodite

    I think she basicly said you might go to hell if you don't join some kind of religion. Its OK though my sisters GP who is treating her for depression told her she was a white witch and gave her a shop and some books to look up. He said she was very powerful. heh! Who'da thought it.

  • R.Crusoe

    You have to remember the hidden will of people. They don't see the sort of justice they want to see right now for injustice so they create a need in themselves that God will do it. If God does it for everyone who wants revenge their way, none will be left anyhow, including her because I can't stand people who want others to go to hell, so don't worry about it!

  • changeling

    hmike: I find people like my phlebotomist to be very scary, not because they are right and I'm going to hell, but because their attitudes make being around them a living hell.

    To all of you, thanks for the input. After speaking to my neighbor (herself a memeber of a fundamentalist religion) to get the local "feel" of the situation, I have decided to mention the incident tactfully to the office manager at my doctor's office. The lady's behavior was insulting and unprofessional and should not be tolerated.


  • DanTheMan

    Hellfire fundies are like the JW's who anxiously await the "destruction of the ungodly system of things" and yet at the same time are sincerely shocked if you ask them if they believe that God is going to kill everybody except them.

    I don't believe that anybody really believes in a literal hell that the "souls" of bad boys and girls go and experience a sensory existence in essentially the same way that we experience life on earth, only in a place of unending misery and torment. At the same time, I don't think that people who profess this belief are necessarily being dishonest. They just don't think deeply about what their beliefs really entail in a literal sense. And the people who fill their heads with this junk are the "shrewd leading the blind".

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    While I Totally agree, that this lady crossed the line, and should not have discussed anything remotely like this, with a patient. In your own words:

    Then she asked if I was one as well. I told her I was actively one all my life till about a year and a half ago.

    I have to say this. I can't keep my mouth shut, you know that. How many times, have your woke people up, on a Saturday morning, to tell them the "Good News of the Kingdom?"

    How many times, did you go to the Dr, laundry mat, or gas station, and leave copies of the Watchtower and Awake? Most all gung ho JW's take every advantage to Witness.

    Just how many times have you talked to people?

    JW's go out, and preach deliberately, and passively. This woman probably only witnesses once in a while. This one person, does not make you even. It is gonna take another 5,000 or more, "You're gonna go to hells", to get you close to parity. LOL

    Tit for Tat Sorry. What goes around, comes around. Karma


  • changeling

    Horrible Life: While yes, I did find opportunities to witness informally, I never took advantage of my position at work to hold a captive audience. In fact, while I would discuss the Bible with fellow workers IF they asked, I never witnessed to a client.

    This woman stuck a needle in my arm and told me I was going to hell, big difference.


  • changeling
    I don't believe that anybody really believes in a literal hell that the "souls" of bad boys and girls go and experience a sensory existence in

    I disagree. If you had seen and heard this woman you would know she "believed".

    Also, check out "23 Minutes in Hell" on amazon.com. Read some of the comments, idiots like my phlebotomist are eating this up. I find it quite disturbing.


  • wednesday

    once i was buying some metaphysical stuff at a book store and the salesclerk began praying to Jesus. he he he

    I saw a NWT in a doctors office and was going to throw it in the trash but the receptionist kept the window open .

    I am really surprised that anyone would believe in literal hellfire but they do.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Ok, sticking a needle in your arm, while she was saying that, is scary.

    While I was pregnant, a woman came in to my work, and asked me how I was doing. I was about 8 months pregnant. I said I had heartburn. She asked if she could pray for me. I said sure. Thinking she would add me to her nightly prayers. She then laid one hand on my forehead, and one on my stomach, and prayed very loud, and long, that God should heal me, and not let my baby go to hell. I kinda blanked out, until she mentioned my baby and hell, I twisted out of her grasp, and almost ran down the hall shaking.

    The woman was nuts. Found out that she was the preachers wife, of the new holy roller, tamborine church. At least she just got me in the hallway, not sticking me with sharps.

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