Help me choose my next book

by Abandoned 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned

    Thanks everyone who was kind enough to post. I started Cider House Rules last night. I didn't quite make it to chapter two, but I did get about forty pages into it and now I'm remembering why A Prayer for Owen Meany is on my all-time favorite list. John Irving is simply a fun writer. He breathes life into anything he writes about and has such an amazing knack with character depth.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Erkhart Tolle
    "A New Earth" or "The Power of Now"

  • poppers

    I agree with new boy's recommendation. For fiction I recommend His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman. This is a trilogy, the first book is The Golden Compass, which has recently been released as a movie (haven't seen it, but loved the book).

  • changeling

    Hey!!!!!!!!!!! You must have missed my vote for Lisey's story!


  • Abandoned

    Hey!!!!!!!!!!! You must have missed my vote for Lisey's story!


    I did miss that somehow. Sorry about that changeling. It sure wasn't on purpose. I had such a wonderful time playing your mystery game.

  • Abandoned

    Well, I found both The Prisoner of Azkaban and The Goblet of Fire. I have eleven hundred plus pages of Harry Potter goodness.

  • Hortensia

    wow - lucky you. I have read the whole series twice, once one year at a time as the books came out, and then this year after I read the last one I read them all over again. Then I was sad because it was over. I'm reading the Philip Pullman series - Golden Compass and the others. They are pretty good, but not the same as Harry Potter. I am amazed I like these books - because the magic kind of stuff doesn't usually interest me. I had a fantasy that we could do a book exchange similar to the secret santa exchange - everyone send someone else some spare paperbacks. I have a box of books I bought because they looked interesting - but they didn't all appeal to me.

  • Hortensia

    just read another thread about human rights' violations in Uzbekistan - reminded me of a really powerful book I read some time ago: Imagining Argentina by Lawrence Thornton. It is about the period of military rule in Argentina when abduction and torture were the norm and thousands of Argentinians just disappeared. It's fiction, but very gripping. I just looked on Amazon and there are lots available, some as little as a penny - with shipping added on of course.

  • Abandoned

    I'll add those books to my list. Thank you Hortensia.

  • Elysian

    how about something real instead of fantasy ;)

    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    you can even download it from here Download the book

    or read it online if you don't want to buy a hard copy Think and Grow Rich

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