forget it
I'm attracted to an engaged JW
by B_Deserter 39 Replies latest jw friends
A. Tell her how I feel
B. Slim down so I can
C. Study martial artsAre these your only options? Maybe you want to re-think the whole heroin thing....
OK, that wasn't nice. Seriously, I'm a strong believer in being up front about feelings. It's better to find out sooner that something isn't going to work rather than later. And if it IS going to work, better to know that sooner too.
Let me relate a little story to you:
Once upon a time there was this sister that had the HOTS for this certain bro that showed no interest in her at all. She wanted him BAD...SO she figured if SHE got engaged to another BRO this would shake out the branches and lo and behold the uninterested BRO went flying to her side to propose which she accepted dumping the poor shloop that actually thought she wanted to marry him in the first place and the BIG KICKER the newly engaged BRO bought the engagement ring from the poor shloop so he would not be out any bucks just a "heart ripped from his chest" so I say GO FOR IT why do you care who you destroy so as to get the booty for yourself....
And let me anticipate your next question:
"Pray tell who was that ""Poor Shloop"" yea you gessed it"....
Now i want her!!!!!!!!!!!
big d
yep, forget it
I was going to mention going to Dr. Phil, but I suggest now, try Jerry Springer.
This is just plain nuts. Why would a non witness (assuming) want to be with a witness. I can understand maybe low self respect (just barely), but damn, why would you need to trade in your freedom for all the nonsence they stand for.
Most people I know seem to be in such a hurry to find a mate, they settle for 2nd or 3rd place. Why settle, and why interfere with someone already involved?
those aren't my only options. It's more like a step-by-step list of goals.
Like what finding someone else so as not to destroy someone else's life for your lust...Why don't you get the hell out of their lives and go on with your's...