In the infamous words of Ferris Bueller: "Life is short, if you don't take the time to stop and look around once in a while, it could pass you by," My take on your situation is this: Go for it! She's not married, so it's not wrong in the JW's eyes to state your feelings towards her. The worst that can happen is she can say, "Ewww....." But the best that can happen is she admits she feels the same way and then wants to immediately jump in bed with you. So I say,, the only thing you have to lose is YOUR VIRGINITY! Go for it. Just remember, if she feels the same way about you - foreplay is really important. Getting her hot and wet before you even whip Mr. Happy out is CORE to the two of you have the Big O at the same time. Try not to do the 30 second dash either.....and it is ok to sweat....first time sex with someone is usually sweaty. Ok.....go at it big guy! Best of luck to you. If you don't at least tell her your feelings all of them, you'll never be able to live with yourself. Regards, Wing Commander