Oh yeah, she looks like a Christian!
by FlyingHighNow 87 Replies latest social humour
Lol! I've been thinking about making a joke about that ad since i first saw it!
I'm pretty sure she is inspiring some distinctly "unchristian" thoughts right now!
we all should ask ourselves... "Who Whould Jesus Oggle?"
Sumpin' tells me Hugh Hefner decided to expand his fortune with a Christian dating site.
She make me want to get religious again. but only for an evening. Bet she can't hold a conversation =-P
Bet she can't hold a conversation =-P
Yeah, she's too out of breath from holding up and sticking out those 36 double D's.
A while back there was a gal that looked a bit like that at our church, only with red hair. She was very good looking, friendly enough, and in my opinion dumber than a box of rocks. Even when I was in my girl-chasing days I would have lost interest in her after a short period of time. I think her highest ambition in life was to get married.
.....does she offer free home bible studies....
cognizant dissident
So what does a Christian look like? Can't a Christian be pretty and have big boobies? Can't a girl be pretty and have big boobies and still be smart?
Cog (of the used to be a pretty, smart, Christian girl with big boobies)
ps: Now, I'm just smart with big boobies!