Oh yeah, she looks like a Christian!

by FlyingHighNow 87 Replies latest social humour

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    I wonder if boob jobs and padded bras are a christian thing?

  • sweetface2233

    My comment doesn't have to do w/ Christians or the size of their tits, but don't you love this banner that is across the top of the board. I busted out laughing, clicked on it, and saw all of you guys over there...LOL

  • Abandoned

    Hey, where's a popcorn graphic when you need one?

  • wednesday

    OK that's an google ad ,so Simon must know it's up.- or maybe not

  • FlyingHighNow

    I just had to tell everyone. My son is sitting by me on the floor and pointing to the ad we are discussing and says, "I like that show". He's 2 1/2---just like his daddy!


    Now that is cute. Nothing wrong with a pretty, shapely lady and may I ask, was he breast fed. On the ads for the other boards: I saw a different add and did not know who owned the board. See, Simon has a sense of humor.

  • wednesday
    See, Simon has a sense of humor

    wanna bet?

  • FlyingHighNow
    See, Simon has a sense of humor
    wanna bet?

    Sure he does. I mean, how long could anyone let all the flack get under his/her skin anyway? He's in Canada now. He's worked hard to reach all the goals that brought him there. I doubt that kind of thing matters much to him now but for the lost friendships.

  • DoubleVision

    Damn,I think my sacred pole needs some attention.


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