News from Mother ship

by jefferywhat 283 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NewYork44M

    Any news from the mothership?

  • tresdecu

    I guess the Mother Ship has left orbit for a bit....ATTORN & JEFFERYWHAT if you're there: We'll be standing by for further transmission

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Since I noticed jeffreywhat is back in the house I thought I would resurrect this thread.

    Any more news? What about the "name change"?

  • jefferywhat

    Mickey, Im afraid I will have to steer you to It would appear new light has sprung forth with greater clarity than I can deliver. Still, between my post and the other, almost 30000 people have been enlightened, not bad in my opinion.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    I'm seeing this pan out like the scene from The Departed where on the Head GB gives the baby GBs some false information to see if it floats up in the Apostanet. Then, concrete shoes in the East River ensue. Not really. (OK, maybe).

    Quoting myself 'cause I'm right. Maybe I'm kidding. Regardless it sounds cool.

    -- Not Feeling It

  • stillajwexelder
  • AllTimeJeff

    I have followed this with interest. It appears with the lowering of pioneer hours, book study and PO position that many rumors are correct.

    Here are some interesting things I gleaned lately, and i will include what I can from my time there at Patterson.

    My 3 Gilead instructors were Wally Liverance, Mark Noumair, and Lawerence Bowen. This was 3 years ago. Where are they?

    Gilead is totally changed, now part of the Theocratic Schools Division. No more registrar of Gilead. What happened to them?

    I know Bowen got "bumped" to Brooklyn because he truthfully is the only one who vaguely understands biblical Hebrew and Greek on JW payroll. He frequently wrote articles in the magazines, and learned from Fred Franz's knee. He was also Al Schroeders secretary for many years, who further schooled him on JW bible translation. I don't know what happened to Liverance or Nourmair. They all disapperaed from Gilead grad articles in the WT this year. (if someone knows otherwise, please let me know) The last good rumor I heard about Bowen is that he is now claiming to be of the annointed.

    There are MANY pissed off elders at Patterson and Brooklyn. There are factions of brothers who feel very strongly against the position of the GB on blood, and they worked within the HLC heiarchy. Many in the Service Dept also have varied views of what was going on with pedophiles and other problems. These were alluded to during my stay at Gilead.

    Losch has frequently "gone rouge" and has stated that there are many teachings that need "updating". If there is a power struggle going on between Losch and Jaracz, it wouldn't surprise me.

    This new version of the Governing Body HAS to be going through what any body of elders with new members gone through, an adjustement period and a lot of ego massaging. There is no doubt but that Jaracz has to have been marginalized. I was surprised to find out when 50 year old Geoff Jackson was appointed in 2005, he went straight to the Chairmans Committee.

    There are many long timers in the headquarters staff, including Rusk, Wallen and a couple of others whose name escapes me. They have great influence.

    What does all of this mean? These are a lot of puzzle pieces to me. You could definitely cut the tension with a knife there, as far as I am concerned. Many long time bethelites who knew they were getting the pink slip in the theocratic downsizing of 2006 were clearly pissed off about giving their life to bethel, only to be kicked to the curb.

    I predict that this new GB is going to make a MAJOR mistake if they haven't already, and that something big in the way of a shake down is going to occur.

    Keep the rumors coming!

  • yknot

    The generation exclusively bound to 1914 is dying, and we are headed for a massive re-structure and housecleaning (albeit in the slick WT way).

    In some ways it is like when Rutherford got sick of having to play second fiddle to Russell. Out with much of the old, keeping just enough and in with the new (polished up later by Knorr/Franz)......... I think the major difference is that Rutherford might have actually believed the end was near........ Today's new GB know that their kids might one day fill their shoes........ Rutherford & Franz interpretations are killing the numbers of donating JWs.

    I expect in my lifetime to see the HLC disbanned, the blood policy ceasing to find mention in publications (but still on the books like vaccinations and organ transplants), mediation expanded & emblems allowed to all (but keeping the literal 144,000), doomsday to be expected but focus to be shifted on individual piety, making the JW experience more about culture and lifestyle (Mormonized in community structure). Preaching still at the forefront but less then it is now.

    Jefferywhat..... where are you?

  • truthsetsonefree

    It is interesting the some of the things we have read on this thread that could have seemed outrageous at the time have happened, like the PO change. Let's hope for more change. But as Jesus is alleged to have said, old wine in new wineskins may not go far enough.

    Isaac Carmignani

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