
by R.Crusoe 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoddessRachel
    That's funny a woman saying they don't like being treated like a piece of meat after they always say to men if his piece o meat can make the scale hit a pound! Very cute!

    I don't say that. Ever. And don't call my comment cute. Or imply or outright accuse me of saying things when you don't know me or what I say. Rachel, of the "don't call me cute" class

  • R.Crusoe

    Sorry Rachel I wont call you cute again or I'll end up on the sexual harassment thread! Glad I don't work at your place!

  • GoddessRachel


    The feminist in me says, what are we, pieces of meat? And though I like freakiness,

    I like the freakiness part, but the "peice meat" part I think is a gross over simplification designed to create hostility over the natural sexual attraction found in males for females, and has been responcible for many men&women not get any. So you see my point from my point of view?

    I think the song Don't Cha is ridiculous: it's about women tearing other women apart, trying to take their men, not respecting relationships. What an AWESOME song (Not). Rachel
    Forget about the women tearing part other women, and just turn up the bass&volume close your eyes and picture yourself as the foxy women part and using all your sexiness to win your man prize. I think you will like it much better. Miss Freaky.

    Fine, Frankie, I see your point. Thank you for responding to my post in such a way that you acknowledged my points without tearing them apart. That won huge points in my silly little female brain. Rachel, Miss Goddess if you're nasty

  • GoddessRachel
    Sorry Rachel I wont call you cute again or I'll end up on the sexual harassment thread! Glad I don't work at your place!

    And with that comment, I decided I don't care for Mr. Crusoe's sexist opinions. You just can't help yourself, can you? What do you know about my workplace and sexual harassment? NOTHING. Thanks for the apology though. Guess I need to take a hike off this thread, with all due respect to he that started it.

  • frankiespeakin
    Rachel, Miss Goddess if you're nasty

    I bow down in worship to foxy "Miss Godess" in Missionary Position #6 today for you after you finish your hike a way from thread..

  • R.Crusoe

    I call her 'cue'she calls me 'sexist'!!

    Hmmm dem womenz sure hot under the fender!! Take a bow and let me cool ya down!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Yeah, Rachel, I'm bowing out too, since I'm not one of the "All" women who talk about the size of men's meat. I guess this thread doesn' apply to me. And for that I'm eternally grateful! Some people want to believe their stereotypes more than they want to look at the big picture. I guess it helps to keep them comfortable in their narrowminded little world. Hmm.. kind of reminds me of JW's and their opinions on women, but with less respect.


    ps: Just want to add, that for all the women out there who do place priority on the size of men's "packagae" there seem to be at least an equal amount of men out there who place priority on the size of womans breasts or butts, so maybe all those men and women out there who like to objectify each other by the size of their body parts and their wallets really are just getting who and what they deserve. Birds of a feather and all that... They say there's someone for everyone.

  • jgnat

    I think writing style displays thinking style. When I absorbed the concepts of Zinsser's excellent book, "On Writing Well", not only did my writing change but my thinking as well. Editing reveals flaws, not only in form, but in thinking as well. Clear writing leads to clarity. By saying what I really mean, I became more confident.

    When I first started posting here, I was mistaken for a male. I suspect this is because of my direct writing style, and my fearlessness in debate. Makes you wonder, doesn't it, if there is a clear distinction between male and female thinking?

    Because of your writing style, R. Crusoe, I find you very difficult to understand. Your sentences are cluttered with....adjectives maybe. I suspect your thinking is similarly cluttered.

  • R.Crusoe

    You are quite right jnat there is much clutter as with many who have litter of indoctrinations and other negativelt impacted thoughts floating in their minds! But I retain my sense of freethinking which could have you accusing me of being a mass murdering transvestite and I would, if pressed to take you seriously enter into a debate as to why you think what you do and how it really is unfounded!

  • jgnat

    I don't understand at all what your point is R. Crusoe. But it's been like that for me since you first started posting. So I'll assume you are not intending anything from your post other than to paint some words on a wall.

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