Lark I never said this:
In your post directed to me, you asserted that scientists ignore facts that don't fit their theory. Please provide one example
I used singular and not plural,here's my quote:
I don't think a scientist is being truthful when he forms a theory and then proceeds to ignore evidence that conflicts with his choosen conclusion.
Yeah I know we're only human.
Please don't make it look like I don't beleive Science, or Scientist as a whole, by the little change to the plural instead of singular sense of the word Scientist.
I beleive science, I beleive scientist.
I don't always accept their theories, but I do beleive the facts(not theories) they have uncovered. I would be silly not to.
As to theories well they are educated guesses and that is all.
These educated guesses can easily carry personal predudice since they are guesses waiting to be proved wrong by facts.
As you can see by the above quote I didn't say "ignores facts" I said "ignores evidence" a subtle difference but important.
By say passing off a theory as an established fact is one such ignoring evidence.
Here are a few examples of what I meant:
What about the most common equation known to man: 0=0 or 0+0=0 or nothing from nothing is nothing.
The theory of a singularity with no God as creator is the same as saying 0=1 or from nothing came something.
I never ment to say you personally said anything negative about my person, and I appologize to you personally if I gave that impression I'm sorry for that.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?