I was actually going to reply something similiar to what you said in your last post. But I figured I would stay out of the convo. But I have to say, that creationist do not understand when all the cards are on the line, they have more to gain from their belief then an atheist does. Before I really starting looking at why I believed in god, I though that a sad world it would be without god in my life. I thought, and even commented on how people would be commit suicides, and have no direction due to non belief in god. Boy, was I wrong I can honestly say, I am more confident in humans now, especially those who don't have a belief in god.
I remember another poster commenting, "He is god and can do anything he wants, that is a good enough answer for me, so I will always use it." It used to be a good enough answer for me. Along the lines of if someone lived a billion...etc. It all sounds good, wonderful, makes you go to sleep better at night, makes you help the little lady across the road, and not gossip. Because someone is watching you. Why not do all those things, without the chance of reward? Be kind, generous with yourself, and loving to all, without thinking I have my reward waiting for me?
Anyway, I thought I would pop in here and blow the theory that atheists are better lovers(just seeing if you are awake, I know we are) The theory that atheists are selfish and only looking for answers they want. Because when it all gets down to the nitty gritty, an atheist is not doing this for a reward. And it is understandable when a christian fights so hard against us. The thought of not believing in god when you believe in god is uncomprehensible...I know I have been there. It is not so bad over here on this side though, I must say, it really has opened my eyes to many, many other things I would never have opened my eyes to.