My wife is thinking AT LAST!!!!!

by tooktheredpill 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    Well done, but how do you explain the changes to your kids? Good luck down that road.

  • Mastodon

    TTRP it was great chatting on the phone with you after so many years... keep us updated!

  • LouBelle

    tooktheredpill - awesome stuff. Amazing when you see their thinking powers kicking in. Will be praying for you.

  • Honesty

    That's GREAT TTRP !!!

    If you can get her out with you then both of you can tell Everybody else to suck a big fat one!

  • R.Crusoe

    Wow honesty - don't you think his wife will want him all to herself?

  • jgnat

    She's woken up. SHE'S WOKEN UP!

    Isn't it amazing, now that she's overcome her mental barriers, that she can see idiocy all around her? Reality is like a miracle drug. I think things are going to get much, much better for you really fast.

  • tooktheredpill


    I wanted to take the time and thank each one of you for all your help, concerns and good thoughts. This forum has been extremely helpful for my “awakening”. I know that I’m not alone dealing with my problems, and that many people understand me.

    I'll try to answer to everyone:

    Outofthebox: I pray for you AND i wish you luck too! - Thanks, my brother! And thanks for being there for me. I really appreciate all your support!

    Babygirl75: Thinking for yourself & freedom from the org is a wonderful thing!!- I agree! I feel that a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I still have a lot to do, but I’m confident that it will work!

    OnTheWayOut: are you going to make the pilgrimage to Patterson for your intense training, or will you get out of it, or face the possibility of losing the eldership?- I’m looking for alternatives on how I can skip that “training”. I have the possibility of moving to another company soon, so “I will not have vacations for a year”… ;) I’m still trying to find a good excuse to step down as an Elder. Now that my wife is almost awake, I’m sure that she will help me find it!

    Chalam: Praying (to Jesus) that you and your family take the red pill and get unplugged from The Matrix.- Thanks a lot for your prayers. At this moment, that is what we need!! J The most difficult task now, is “unplugging” my parents.

    Nathan Natas: May His Noodly Appendage anoint you both with a fine marinara.- Thank you, Nathan! I appreciate the help from all the Pastafarians in the forum!! (That includes you, Mastodon!!)

    Feenx: How long have you been having such discussions with your wife? Were you both raised in "the truth?"- Yes, Feenx. We were both raised in “the truth”… That means more than 30 years of indoctrination. We didn’t know anything else… I started having heavy doubts and looking for answers 1 year ago. I started talking to her about it for the last 4 or 5 months. At the beginning, it was very, very difficult to talk to her. I noticed that everything started “clicking” for her in the last 4 weeks!

    BurnTheShips: That is terrific took!-Thank you Burn! Muchas gracias por tu apoyo!

    Outaservice: Prayers forthcoming!- Thanks! And keep ‘em coming!! J

    Reverend Warhawk: I just login to the forum and find these *wonderful* news!- Rev, thanks a lot for having the patience of hearing me talk for 2 and a half hours!! J Thanks, my brother!

    Worldtraveler: but how do you explain the changes to your kids? - I’m “lucky” that I don’t have kids yet!

    Mastodon: TTRP it was great chatting on the phone with you after so many years... keep us updated!- Hey Mastodon! I really had a good time chatting with you too. Say Hi to your wife!

    Loubelle: Will be praying for you.-Thanks, Loubelle!!

    Jgnat: Reality is like a miracle drug.-That’s right. At the beginning, it is really, really painful to know that you’ve been deceived. But now, my mind is free to explore whatever I want!!

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    How'd I miss this thread!? RedPill, that's GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I can't imagine how happy I'd be if my wife would stop clinging on, hoping I'll come back...

  • JPT

    This is an encouraging experience. It gives me hope that I can do the same for my wife. I think the "just saying a little bit a time" is a good thing. I am going to try doing just that as the opportunity presents itself.

    I am glad for you. Good luck.

  • hubert

    Awesome !!!

    I think this is the perfect time for you to get her to read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz.

    That will put the final nail in the W.T. coffin.

    If you can get her to read it, you won't ever have to worry about her wanting to go back because of guilt feelings.


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