Yesterday my father informed me that he will shun me...

by nvrgnbk 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    but only if a judicial committee tells him to.

    If they say I'm inactive and let me be, he can still talk to me.

    It's meaningless, because I would never meet with a JC, but he let me know where he stands.

    He's dead to me.

    I'm not hurting.

    Lost tons of respect for the man.

    I told him he was brainwashed and left him without saying goodbye.

    To no longer live for his approval was liberating, but this is even better.

    I told him that I couldn't do that to my son.

    His response?

    Unconditional love is a lie.

    You only get unconditional love from a dog.

    Sick, brainwashed, emotionally bankrupt man.

    P.S.- Not looking for cyber hugs.

    Just sharing the experience for others going through similar things and for lurkers to see what this cult does to people.



  • tooktheredpill

    Unconditional love is a lie.

    That answer is really sick.

    It's incredible how brainwashed we were. I'm really sorry you are going through this.


  • BFD

    I'm glad you are taking it so well. Take it from someone who knows, this is going to cause a roller coaster of emotions for you. Just be prepared for it. You know where to find me if you'd like to talk.


  • LouBelle

    Hey Nate

    your point on unconditional love rings so true - the very same thing came up in my JC. I was imploring with the elders that it is love that defines a follower of Christ. The one elder looked at me and said " No Lou, it's our neutralit & the fact that we are no part of the world " My jaw dropped open and stared blankly at him. At that was that.

    In the beginning I must admit the shunning did hurt me as half my family are still in and all my "friends", but I knew that my freedom of thought/action was worth it. Now I feel nothing, I miss no one.

  • kerj2leev


    You know what is so sad about this, he seems like a very intelligent man. Like you said he is brainwashed, all logic and reason get thrown out the door at a certain point.

    You would think as a human he would be a little higher on the emotional ladder!

  • momzcrazy

    Wow, they can sure retrain a person's brain can't they? My mil is a dub and, while she isn't happy with our leaving, we are still family and she tells us often she loves us. She and fil are going to Mexico with us in May. Now my own mother won't speak to me, she started that before I had even DA'd myself.

    This religion is the worst. I'm giving you a hug anyway.


  • nvrgnbk

    He coldly explained that his relationship with God is more important to him than any human relationship.

    May Jehovah wipe his ass and his chin when he loses control of his bodily functions.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Unconditional love is a lie.

    You only get unconditional love from a dog.

    Hmmm - dare you ask him what kind of love Jehovah gives then?!

    Oops, I forgot JWs 'God' only loves people if they do what he says Still I suppose that makes a dog better than their 'god'!

    Sorry you're having to go through all this Nvr - sending you some positive vibes

  • journey-on

    It just plain baffles the mind that the brainwashing goes so deep. Life goes on though. Just stay focused on you and yours.

    When things like this happen, they really believe they are choosing between God and you and by standing firm, they are

    winning some kind of spiritual points. I wish he could know just how many JW parents have chosen not to shun their family

    members. He probably thinks they all do....but I know from personal accounts, they all DO NOT.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    You're getting a cyber hug whether you like it or not mister! Sorry. It sucks to have your parents treat you like this no matter what your age.


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