Yesterday my father informed me that he will shun me...

by nvrgnbk 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • lfcviking
    I'm not hurting.

    Are you sure you're being completely honest with yourself here?

    If this happened to me i would be emotionally wounded.


  • looking_glass


    What does one say to a post like that?


    Pictures, please....


    Never - Glad to get a chuckle.

    BFD - Here is a mental picture. Once, when I was in band camp (well not band camp, but maybe a b-day party after a couple of drinks), my GFs and I decided to take the camera and put it down our shirts and take pics .... well let's just say if you took a pic of a 5 year olds bottom that is what my photo looked like. Pretty funny! Especially after 5 or 10 drinks!

    As for the dad thing, again, in the end they have made their choice and it is their's to live w/. People can justify any behavior (good or bad) in the name of religion. It is one of the few arenas where hate is tolerated. Unfortunately, this religion just does the hate thing REALLY well.

  • R.Crusoe

    How do you feel about your beliefs? Are you comfortable with your idea of God or no God?

    I ask this because it does help if you are helped to find how you feel for the sake of you and your kids futures.

    If you have a confidence in your own convictions it is a good basis. Even if your mind is in a state of uncertainty -that is cool - it is where you are at right now! If there is a God He/She knows this!! If there isn't it doesn't matter anyhow. It is fine that you do your best with what your mind feels is in your heart and don't jump feet first into a situation which has you feeling frought and guilt ridden and tense! You need people and friends who can just help you feel happy if religion never comes into your life again. It's the only way to help yourself find what you really want IMO. Be brave and be YOU!!

  • flipper

    NVR- Hello Nate . My friend, like yourself my dad has been an elder for years as well. I worried about living up to his expectations of " spiritual grandeur " for me till I was 40 years old . Then I saw I'd never live up to, " in his eyes" the level that was expected of me considering my older brother left big shoes to fill - Bethel 8 years , elder 35 years. So like you I finally respected myself enough to see I wasn't brought into the world to please his fantasies for me ! I'm glad you learned that at a younger age than I did. You will waste fewer years than I did trying to please everybody - believe me we never please everybody.

    Just remember he is , "cult mind controlled ". It is sick twisted reasoning he is programmed with. Inside him , deep down he loves you, but he is sick in the brain because of the cult influence. So , that being said , just realize he is blinded and until the non-cult real personality kicks back in , you may get this treatment. But as some posters said, like Restrangled , these witness parents waffle back and forth at times as do other witness relatives . I have some who shun me ; some who don't. But everyone is giving you great thoughts to consider - don't bring yourself down to his level . Continue showing unconditional love and you may educate him some day - and you will be his hero , helping him see the real light some day. I love you bro- no hugs as you requested, hey wer'e guys right ? LOL! But my wife and I care for you deeply. Feel free to call anytime my friend

  • nvrgnbk

    Sincere thanks to all of you for the kindness and advice.

  • Abandoned
    Sincere thanks to all of you for the kindness and advice.

    You bet buddy. You're one of the kindest and most attentive people here. You have A LOT of people in your corner. ((((((((((((nvrgnbk))))))))))))

  • lonelysheep

    Sorry, Nate.

  • restrangled

    Nvr sweetie....

    One more time.....

    Big toe stub....big no snub to the kid from parent......Hope this makes you laugh.....its really true....I lived it.

    Sleep well've done your best.


  • Sparkplug

    Hi NVR.

    It never ceases to amaze me when people are able to dispose of others as if they were a recyled cup. Just like that. I think with so many people walking out of my life, I have come to often feel disposable. I am looking for a new breed of people now, ones that don't take others for granted. I do still believe they are out there.

    Damn that religion that taught so many to love conditionally. I always joke that it is as if they say, I will love you forever, till tomorrow. Each day I am sure a good portion of us here have to deal with the fact that most everyone we knew loved us conditionally. Then the sad thing is, we have to break the habit of being drawn towards people that treat us the same. And then if raised a JW, we probably have to take some of that out of our personality.

    2 pennies.

  • moshe

    Well, your father must know from his WT studies that the WT org does not love unconditionally either, so he has placed the approval of his KH above his love for his son. It will be very hard for him to ever admit he was wrong, I'm afraid. No JW has ever admitted to me they were wrong and I was right. Not even my ex-wife who quit the KH 10 years after she divorced her "apostate" husband. She has rewritten the events in her memory to excuse herself, I'm afraid. JW's can justify all manner of mean treatment of family in order to gain the approval of their KH peers. Your father has obtained the highest Org loyalty badge available short of a martyr's death, by disowning his child. Surely, they reason that shunning your kids who leave the KH guarantees them a place in the new order. You never can tell how demanding Jehoobah will be in deciding who lives or dies at Armageddon can you?

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