He was out of line. Curb it before it gets out of hand. You did the right thing.
Sexual Harassment
by reneeisorym 61 Replies latest jw friends
No big deal! If it was persistent then maybe! I've had some mean mean women on a never stop road to undermine in whatever way they can in ways tricky to put down as harassment - evil intent!!
And Ive had far worse by far talk from man to man that you just get over and get on with!
To moan about every incidence of this type is another example of PC, IMO! Agree it is distasteful but then so is costing someone their jo b for a flippant remark! Are we all back in the school playground or did we ever leave? Just my take on much of society . Adult kindergarten!
Well, I finally got to talk to my boss (my store's manager) and he was just as appalled as everyone else. My boss wondered if he meant to ask if we argrue a lot -- Like this definition of ride: "to ridicule or harass persistently: The boys keep riding him about his poor grades." He doubted it but was hoping maybe he meant that and it came out sounding like something else.
Then the president of the company (a woman) called to announce that she is coming Monday to talk to me and then on to Vicksburg to talk to him. I hope it ends with talking to him and he learns to respect others.
the law requires your boss to take serious action these days.
he (or she) doenst want to get sued either... a far cry from the old days... lot's of women took a alot of crap from some real pigs
I didnt want to insult pigs as a species... you know what I mean?
I'm awfully interested to know waht your husband said about this Renee. If someone talked like that to my wife...well I think it is needless to say that things would get very physical very fast. That kind of behavior is just good old fashioned ungentlemanly behavior, not an example of PC run amuck. IMO
I also thought 'ride' has multiple meanings, so I would have said "what do you mean?" and got more clarification from him. If he made any suggestive comments, then I would have complained.
the employer cannot ignore your report. The guy who made the asshole comment knew he was out of line; he probably thought it wasn't important, just a little fun. Sometimes consequences can seem out of proportion to the crime, but on the other hand, some folks have to get hit with a 2 by 4 before they can learn anything. Don't worry about it. All it takes to avoid this kind of problem is basic good manners - and some folks never learn that!
Edited to add: he needs to learn manners and you need to learn assertiveness. It's OK to stand up to someone and say "I'm offended. Never talk to me like that again."
You can be sure this is not the first time this guy has harassed women, although it may be the first time anyone will make him accountable for it. Don't feel guilty. This guy has it coming.
riding each other is an expression like-- "they are in a bad mood, they've been riding each other all day". Can you tell by his facial expressions if he meant it in a sexual way?
Oh boy about that f king stupid harrasser!!!!! Is he ugly? LOL!