R Caruso I have only read a few of your comments on a couple of threads but I see that you are very worried that the male of the species will get blamed for something. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you to make you feel that way. I'm not sure what there was about this thread that made you think anyone was man bashing.
Sexual harassment is against the law if a man is responsible- and it is against the law if a woman is responsible. I have seen both types of cases, and in both cases it was pursued with equal ferver by management and human resources in order to protect the stockholders. I say that because that is their first interest in my experience. Some do, truly, have an interest in sparing people having this painful experience, but if they are in HR their primary function is to protect the company, protecting the employees is secondary.
I have worked in jobs where there was a lot more lattitude for kidding around and flirting. Mostly those jobs were when I supported more blue-collar types. And, since I don't get offended easily, and because I can tell someone when they cross the line, I only ever had one case where I was put in an uncomfortable situation when one of the guys bordered on stalking me though he knew I wasn't single.
In other jobs where it is predominately white collar, people seem to be a lot more sensitive to this. And they don't mind turning in someone that offends them. But my experience is only in the Pacific Northwest. Other places may and probably are, different. In terms of what people can "get away with."
In any case, the remark made by the man in this particular situation would have crossed the line. I would have told him that in no uncertain words. But that is just me. Not every woman is comfortable telling a man to bugger off. So it is not out of line for that woman to tell her supervisor so that they can take care of it. That is not being PC.
Well didn't that turn into a sermon. Sorry, but this is something of which I have some experience, not to mention just having been to our company's sexual harassment training.