did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?

by looloo 94 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    lulu 20, you have a PM. Please respond.

    Also, anybody who posted on this thread about a molestation situation which you heard about or went through yourself and you are from outside of the United States, would you please send me a Personal Message.

    Thank you.


  • hillbilly

    I know of one. One of my few regrets is that I didnt shoot him when I had a chance to. As far as I know he's free today. He was found out... talked about with a mumbled hush around Memphis and West Tennessee and the elders slapped his hand.

    The kid who got him in trouble, that is , busted, was in Ohio.


  • AndersonsInfo

    Please PM me and tell me about molestation cases outside of the United States. You can leave out names, if you want and details that might cause you any difficulty. If at all possible, tell me what country the molestation took place.

    Thank you,


  • nondescriptex

    Yes. One was a charismatic PO. Still well liked and respected because he stepped down due to "health issues", which is a lie. The victims suffer to this day. Either Brooklyn doesn't understand the damage that is done, or they don't care (or both). Once a person knows about even one pedophile kept hidden by organizational procedure, it is impossible to sit through a meeting or even show up at the hall and not be smacked in the face with the hypocrisy, or to recognize first hand the very things Jesus so severely condemned.

  • megaflower

    sure did. A teenage boy was raping his own sister. The elders knew about it and they did nothing. The publishers were told that Jehovah will deal with it in his own time.

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Seriously, as I read these threads I think - what the eff is wrong with these freaks???? They don't want to bring reproach on the organization??!? WHAT?!? They are all crazy!!


  • avishai

    It may be "bad form" to bring up old topics. This one needs it, just to show the BS of the JW's

  • JimmyPage

    Yes we had a pedophile in our congregation and the bastard is still out there roaming free from Hall to Hall.

  • verystupid77

    Had three now only two. Both love children. One is very passive and one very agressive. Not even all the elders know and the ones that do have forbiden any one to tell. So no parents know. I know only because the agressive one dated my sister and he is evile that is how I found out about the passive one. The passive one is so loving. One elder in is talks keeps call him a gental gaint. This man is very loving especially to single moms. Both pedophiles have remarried JW woman with small children and both these woman knew that they were pedophiles. The passive one had JW woman fighting over him. One woman had three little girls and was dying to marry him. Makes you sick. The wives encourage these men to hold and be with children. I just do not get it. These woman have to be as sick as the men.

  • blondie

    I have known of 5 in congregations I attended. None were reported to the authorities. One was df'd but then reinstated 7 months later. One "confessed" after his child approached someone outside the family. He got a private reproof and "restrictions" which was useless since he had no "privileges." I know one that 5 years later told people that he had told the JC he was guilty but he wasn't.

    In all cases no one outside the family or JC had a clue these were molesters and when they moved, no elders told the new elders.

    The thing to remember is that pedophiles are everywhere known and unknown. Also the elders only report in states where it is required by law. Remember that the laws are different regarding "clergy" which is what the WTS considers elders when dealing with pedophiles....confidentiality clause.

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