did anyone on here ever have a paedophile in thier congregation?

by looloo 94 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Not in my hall that I was aware of anyway...but a friend of mine's hall. She lived in another city and I went to live with her for a few months. There was a guy in our hall that we were friends with, as he was about our age. Late teens. Anyway, he got DF'd and then I found out it was b/c he was sexually molesting his little brother!! I remember being sick to my stomach b/c I used to hang out with this guy. It was not ever reported to the police, he was just dealt with internally.

    Talk about disgusting!! That poor little boy who couldn't even trust his own brother...or parents...or Jeh's "loving, clean organization"...no one.


  • A Mother
    A Mother

    What a question! We Endured years of the J.W.s nonstop bad mouthing other faiths.

    All we ever heard was how the catholics covered up pedophilia and moved the abusers from church to church to protect the abuser AND the church. However I have NEVER seen the J.W.congregations protect or seek help for the abused, raped, sodomized and beaten ,especially if they were defenseless children. Now we have absolute proof that the J.W. leadership, just like the ones they write about are guilty to this very day of gross misconduct. It is COMMON for the elders,traveling overseers and societies attorneys to threaten and silence those who cry out. To answer the questions, YES---My five "children " were all abused sexually by different men in diferent states in seperate congregations. The reaction to my questions or complaints were always the same. First it is "was it the childs fault?" "this is rare in J.W.s" [blatent lie] "were there witnesses?" If the abuser did not invite reputable adults in to witness the abuse then the VICTIM will be threatened into silence. If you follow some of the cases of BRAVE victims who spoke out as adults, you will find that the responsible elders deny they knew anything. One case[ above referenced] the society had a list of 53 children[VICTIMS]in the perps hand writing and still would not admit they knew. Then of course another defense is "they were not realy a J.W.

    My PLEA is no matter how long ago you even thought there was a serious problem of abuse, PLEASE go or call the police or authorities in that area and report everything you know. AN 80 year old J.W. in Oakridge traveled to an Albany Oregon congregation to abuse two young girls. If this beast started at age 20, then he had SIXTY years to destroy children while this so called group of GODS CHOSEN protected him. I cannot count the abusers because I know of dozens. A J.W. mother who knew of her sons attacks on children sent him to Alaska where he attacked a 6 year old. Without previous convictions the courts gave him a light sentence. He at that time was found to have victimized 50 plus children. DO NOT leave it up to these untrained window washing zealots to protect,report, let alone seek help for victims. Case in point Marvin "Dave" Barger and wife who adopted girls and then used them , one commited suicide.[common with J.W. children] Dave resides in the Turlock Calif. area,once lived in Oroville Cal. and the bay area. Active J.W. Check him out on the CA megans law website . Please speak with educated proffessionals!!

  • sisowuzzy

    We did, for sure. He actually got his own stepdaughter pregnant and was DF's back in the day when that meant a LONG time gone. But in time, he was reinstated, and eventually even became an elder when the elder arrangement was introduced. He never stopped with his fascination with young girls, however. My mother, bless her heart, was obedient to the Organization in every respect...except that one. For some reason, innocent as she was, reluctant as she was to talk about sexual things with us, etc., she saw him for the monster he was and never allowed my sister and I to be in his company alone. Other young girls were not so lucky. Eventually, he and his wife had a child together, and he preyed on his own fleshly child as well. She ultimately married a man 25 years older than she - a pseudo replacement for the old man who'd been abusing her since she was about 3, no doubt. Still, they tolerated his terrible behavior, covered it up--he and his wife would move from congo to congo where he'd practice his sick behaviors and then get outta Dodge before it got to the lynching mob stage.

    I lost track when I got out of the Borg, but last I heard, he was still at it.


  • avishai

    If you think he's still at it, report him for god's sake!!

  • wildfell

    Years ago I knew a young jw woman who told me that her annointed PO stepfather had molested her for years. She left home as early as she could. The elders in her cong didn't believe her. Her own mother didn't believe her. However, the stepfather stepped down or was removed ?, but they refused to take any other action against him because they said she didn't have any witnesses. She was vilified for destroying the reputation of a wonderful man. (Sounds familiar, hey?)

    A few years later, her cousin (non-jw) came forward with the same accusation. However, she was suing the society, because he was an elder when he had been molesting her. Although she didn't have witnesses either (and my understanding is that two people coming forward independently do not constitute two witnesses), the society acted promptly and ordered his disfellowshipping. Amazing what a letter from your legal representative can accomplish!

    And that's not even mentioning the elders/minos/brothers who like the teenage sisters. Any age, as long as it ends in teen.

  • brinjen

    Three in my congregation. One assaulted a pre-teen girl, got reproved, still allowed his microphone privleges and still pioneered. Not reported to the police. The girls father also liked his women young, that wasn't a problem with the elders but they did disfellowship him when they found out he was gay and dating men. Another, who never lost his MS privleges, but no one in the hall trusted him near their children unsupervised....

  • looloo

    im horrified , im so very angry that this can go on , why is this not getting more media coverage , i think it would destroy that religion over night if people heard just those stories alone , nevermind the ones not here !!!

  • wildfell

    looloo - I believe that media coverage is scarce because jw's are a minor religion. A 6 million people world-wide religion isn't going to sell a lot of newspapers. Also, affected jw's are scared to contact the media because of the governing body's bully tactics. Even with some media coverage, this is what I have found:

    I have tried to talk to jw's about the pedophile problem and the jw pedophile protecting policies, but I have not had heartening results. One thought the children were lying and they deserved to be disfellowshipped (I wanted to scream at this person, oh, yeah, I did!!). One said they didn't want to hear anything "discouraging". Others tried to justify the wt actions. One felt sad for me, that I couldn't look past it. Others just stared at me, like a rabbit in headlights, and made no reply. The sad truth is that heavily indoctrinated jw's cannot/will not be affected by this. I believe that they just marked me as critical of the organisation and bad association.

    So I thought, if I can't help them out, then maybe I can stop them going in.

    I now tell everyone I can - DON'T TRUST THE JEHOVAHS WITNESSES WHO COME TO YOUR DOOR, ONE OF THEM MAY BE A PEDOPHILE. And I tell them, "spread the word, tell all of your friends".

  • freedomfighter

    I was in a cong. down in N.S.W when i was young. There was a family - Husband and wife, two twin boys 5yrs old. The father who was an MS at the time, frequently molested his sons. His wife dobbed him into the elders - who did disfellowship him.( Should have cut his balls off )

    The marriage broke up ( no surprise there). Years down the track to present time, i heard he is travelling around Australia trying different congs so he can be reinstated. So far when the elders hear what he had done, they won't let him come back. I hope they keep this predator away from kids for good.


  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Yep, Franklin, NH in the early 80's

    3 teenage sons of PO and Elders. I was threatened with DFing if I reported it to the authorities. My own 2 year old daughter was one of the victims.

    I will be ashamed of my lack of backbone then for the rest of my life.

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