Hi Sven,
I would not suggest for her to read "Crisis of Conscience" until she has expressed serious doubts, or even experienced a sort of "shipwreck of her faith" where the jws are concerned. Otherwise you will scare her away. I was disfellowshipped --- kicked out of the jws --- before I would read such a book, as I believed it was the work of an apostate --- thus demonized. After my disfellowshipping, I experienced a very personal connection with God which convinced me the elders had overstepped their bounds. Only then was I more open to reading "apostate" material --- and in fact at that time I effectively devoured the book. It convinced me that the jw organization was nothing more than man-made --- not of God as I had believed previously.
Sven, please realize you are only skimming the surface of this woman's complicated nature --- like an iceberg where you only see a fraction of what is really underneath the water. The religion has seriously undermined her self-confidence, making her co-dependent with the organization. The religion has her paralyzed with fear. The religion has been controlling her and pulling her strings for as long as she has been a member. At the present time, she is not capable of standing on her own two feet because she is dependant on the organization making decisions for her. Really. She is also not capable of entering a relationship, especially with an "outsider." True, she has some form of an emotional attachment for you right now. Her feelings for you have really confused her and thrown her off balance even more. If you really feel you must continue a relationship with her, please speak with your family doctor about how to approach this confused, frightened woman --- and maintain your own health and well-being.
Please look after yourself, Sven. There is always a corresponding body reaction to a co-dependent personality, which could draw you in to "look after" her as a type of rescuer. This creates a chain reaction and produces a dysfunctional model of "Disrespect" wherein lies a circular pattern of Rescuer/Victim/Persecutor. Each person in a couple could be any of those three, if you are caught in this pattern of behaviour --- and it sounds like you are set up for it. This "dynamic" is not a healthy place to begin a lasting, loving relationship.
Again I stress emphatically --- talk to your doctor.