Son, you are far too young and inexperienced (if you really are 16) to have a clue the things life can hand you. Many of us here have been hurt by that cult to our very core, if you stick with it, maybe one day you'll know what I'm talking about. If you were to look a bit further, you would see that most of the people here have bigger hearts than your average person (or witness) in one way or another. I personally think it's because we've all been through some kind of hell, and more importantly because we were thoughtful and intelligent enough to find our way out of it. But consider this, humor is a fantastic coping mechanism in this life. It certainly has gotten me through some horrors.
What has happened to your human decency?
by multifarious 152 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks avishai. I'm really sorry for what happened to your brother and I hope he is getting the help he needs to heal. I know what black humor is. I guess what's bothering me about this is the callousness of it all simply because there was some connection to Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know these people mentioned in the news. I didn't love them. I'm not trying to create false drama.
Beksbks, not arguing here, but I'm nearly 19, not 16. I'm not saying I know everything about how the world works.
I honestly don't understand the attitude that was displayed there.
"You call me a troll and I'm not the one who was making fun of a woman being abused by her husband."
No, but then no one else was either, where they? Could you show the forum a quote of someone "making fun of a woman being abused by her husband."?
Multi, I went back and read your past posts
You're still a blue pill still.
I wish you a red pill experience soon.
Anyway this rabbit whole can be a long hard fall so be careful but keep exploring JWD and the internet.
(see the movie The Matrix if you don't get what I said)
Homerovah the Almighty
You might be right MF I didn't read all the posts on those unfortunate and sad situations.
The possibility of why some of the statements were cold and apathetic is the fact there are some people here
that have just recently have been DF and may have a vindictive and apathetic view on things regarding anything to do with JWS.
But be assured the majority of the folks here have a greater sense of human decency and compassion, that is why
they left the Witnesses in the first place, in other words be aware that this forum is open to the general public
just like any other forum and you never know who going to show up.
Open mind
Hey multi,
I spent about 45 minutes of my time over on Terry's thread giving you some food for thought.
Have you chewed on it?
Open Mind -
Hi Open Mind, I'll go give it a look. I saw where you said you had to go so I was going to check it out in the morning. Thanks.
I know I came across strong on this. I am not including all of the posters here on this board nor all of the posters on those threads. Is there really so much hate for this religion? I can't get my mind around that.
I know I came across strong on this. I am not including all of the posters here on this board nor all of the posters on those threads. Is there really so much hate for this religion? I can't get my mind around that.
Read some of our Bios to find out why that might be the case. Here is mine for starters.
MultiF. Can I call you MF? Thanks.
MF you need a V-8 knock on the noggin, friend. Your contemporaries judge the world without the benefit of taking communion with the one who will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. Ouch.
Put down the watchtower mf. Our Lord would rebuke the book publishing company for speaking in his place.
Read the commentary on James from the wtbs, they actually got one book right, IMHO.
"what's bothering me about this is the callousness of it all"
But there hasn't been any callousness shown; certainly not towards the woman abused by her JW husband. If you think there is, go cut-and-paste it here so we can see just what it is you are prattling about.