Thank you everyone. I'll read for a while before I post again.
What has happened to your human decency?
by multifarious 152 Replies latest jw friends
Eyes Open
I can see how peoples' quips could be seen as cold-hearted. Just try to distinguish between the tragic events themselves and the jokes at the Society's expense.
I know I'm young...
No you're not. You're a fully grown adult and should be allowed to say what you want.
If this is what I'll turn into if I leave the truth, I'd rather stay in.
That's the great thing about being human - you get to choose who you are. You don't have to be like anyone in the congregation, circuit or religion, anyone on this forum, or any other human being. You get to be you.
What has happened to your human decency?
Edit: Actually, I'd say it's been given a chance to grow. Since leaving, prejudices seen to be such are being erased and I am able to be decent to more people.
But there hasn't been any callousness shown; certainly not towards the woman abused by her JW husband. If you think there is, go cut-and-paste it here so we can see just what it is you are prattling about.
A reasonable request in the light of such sweeping generalizations about the heart condition of the posters here.
Thanks in advance, mf.
What has happened to your human decency?
The watchtower killed it in me, but now that I'm out my decency is slowly coming back.
Open mind
Good morning Multifarious.
(This is a duplicate post. I also put it over on Terry's thread where we chatted yesterday, but it case you don't get back there, I'll throw it in here.)
Here's the references for the Sodom & Gomorrah flip/flops. I generally try not to overstate my evidence, and in this case I UNDERstated it big time.
The Watchtower has held 8 positions on this issue since 1879!
BTW, I got this by using the "search" feature on here. I just typed in "sodom flip flop".
I commend you for having the intellectual honesty & curiosity to read here. At times it can be scary, but we've been blessed with awesome mental powers. Do you think God expects you not to use them?
Open Mind
Multi, what's up bro? Good to have you with us here on JWD... I agree with what you said, but please leave out the generalizations...I was a JW for 28 years, I knew some in my KH that were the coldest people I've ever known, and I also knew some people that had hearts of gold... People here are the same way, and you'll find that applies to the human species as a whole, you'll always find good and bad everywhere you look.
I was going to try and make you laugh by saying "turds are everywhere, try and not step in them"...but i became aware there's more grass on the field than dog dung, so its really all how you look at it! LOL
As for the JW religion, I have a hatred for the dogma they spew and it has to do with my personal relationship with my family. It seems they think they can use their love as a tool for blackmailing me back into living my life as a JW, but it can't be done as I've seen the facts and know that the JWs are teaching utter fabrications of their own imaginations. Look up the evidecne for yourself on 607BC, building mansions for returning "worthies", changing the generations and so on and so forth ad nausium.
But that really isn't my problem with this so called religion, its the unscriptual pratice of calling anyone who disagrees with the GB "apostate"...I've asked several JWs, Elders, POs and the like to show me where th scriptures say that questioning men, or manmade dogmas make someone an "apostate"... Read Grandma Velta'a website ans see how an older lady (sorry Velta) was booted after 50 years of service becasue she dared question the dictates of men, who had no scriptual backing for their dogmas.
To destroy a family becasue they see things differently about anything that doesn't hurt others, that's sickening...and if you stay around here long enough, you'll see that many people's lives have been changed negativaly becasue of this pratice... Have a great day... Huff
As far as the "Black Humor" is concerned, if it weren't for that type of release, the creators of "South Park" would probably be serial killers at this point (and broke). Look at what happened at Columbine High School nearly 10 years ago. Both of the creators of "South Park" attended that school. Would you rather them use humor (killing Kenny every episode, teaching baby mountian lions how to perform abortions, and explaining perverted sexual acts to Kindergarten aged children) to deal w/ their stress and anxiety, or do what Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold did and open fire on their innocent fellow students?
At least those kids will be resurrected.
Hey, what's 12 inches long, blue, and will make a woman scream all night long?
I still say that there seems to be a lot of hate towards this religion, and yeah, I don't get it.
Have you ever been in love? I know that you are only 19 but have you loved someone so much that you would give your life for that person? Did you eat, drink and live for that person? Believe that they loved you in return? If you have, now imagine that that person cheated on you, told lies about you, kicked you, raped you, turned your friends and family against you, took away your ability to get a job, made you go to prison, maybe even by their lies they made one of your beloved family members die. Now, does your heart ache with pain? Do you still love that person?
I have always been told that there is a thin line between love and hate. Most everyone on here at one time believed and loved in some way or another that religion. I, for one, was raised in it, quite school at sixteen and pioneered for years, married a pioneer ministerial servant, and even considered missionary work with my husband, I loved that place. Then the scales started lifting from our eyes and we saw the lies. We saw that we were cheated on, raped, used for their purpose and then cast aside. So, the love that we had was turned to hate. Just the same as if the love of your life turned on you and did all the things that JWs did to the majority of us on here. We have all lost close friends, family, jobs and experienced a lot of pain because of being a JW and that is just scratching the surface of what has been taken from us. If you stay on here and read the stories, your humanity will make you start to question such a place.
Please go back and read AK-Jeff's post on this thread, he put it so well.
On the other points of discussion on here and in defense of myself - It pains me too much to think of the hurt that people are going through everyday. I can't even watch the news anymore because it makes me break down and cry. The last time I watched the news there was a story of man that thought his little girl had a demon in her and beat her to death to get the demon out. I cried and put my blinders back on and try to pretend that those things don't really happen. You laugh at things so that you can pretend that maybe it didn't really happen. It might seem crass but that is how some deal with it.
Well, I hope you continue to read here and learn more about the JWs and get out before it hurts you too badly.
Multi: I came here to learn about the things I'm not being told about the WTB&TS
Multi there are many decent humans here, and many have diverse senses of included.
Since you are mainly here to learn things the WTBS does not tell you, you really need to know that any group of people who would change the Bible to fit their doctrines could not have the truth. We have added the name Jehovah to the Christian Greek Scriptures 237 times without ANY manuscript support. We are taught we have "restored" it when quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, and this is just not true in MANY places, but there is still no manuscript support for doing it even then. Just look at every single use of the name Jehovah in Revelation, and you will see that not a single use is a quote from the Hebrew scriptures....we just stuck in there where we wanted. Revelation 22:17,18 clearly says you can not add to or take away a single how can you justify the use of the New Word Translation? It hurt me very deeply to learn our Bible is a fraud. If you look under Jehovah in the Insight Book, you will see that we admit that there is not a singe ancient manuscript IN THE WORLD that uses the divine name in the New Testament! For 58 years, we have taken the Jewish God Jehovah and put him in the New Testament where he does not belong....because we wanted him there. Please let me know what you think about this.
Also, I can not support any group that would actually encourage shunning of ones own child or parent. Good grief, how can children be baptized, then do something "naughty", and lose all contact with friends and family? We actually shun children!! I want to spray paint it on every Kingdom Hall I see....WE SHUN CHILDREN! can you support that? And by the way, if you say it is clearly taught in the Bible you are mistaken......even if it was clearly in there, I would not believe it. Why? Because that would be so contrary to a loving God. I would rather believe that some awful men added those passeges to the Bible, just like WT says that awful men took Gods name out of the Greek Scriptures. If God would let awful men tamper with the Bible by removing his name, then what else had been tampered with...added or deleted?
While I'm at it, you may want to ask your self why WT has soooooo many in depth interpretations of Revelation and every other book in the Bible when the Bible says that only God can interpret the Bible? The Climax book kills me when it teaches that individual asslemblies, or tracts or talks are actually direct fulfillment of some scripture in Revelation!!! Do you really believe that?
Sorry for the long post, but I am still venting from only recently having my eyes opend about so many things....I have been in the truth over 40 years, and am 4th Generation JW. If you want my research papers on the NWT....let me know..........good luck........oompa