What has happened to your human decency?

by multifarious 152 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mariusuk.
    I still say that there seems to be a lot of hate towards this religion, and yeah, I don't get it.

    This religion is different to other religions. It is very restrictive, leaving the religion impacts you if you have family or friends still in it, you are effectively punished for not being able to believe. Some posters on this site have lost basically their entire family. Some posters hve suffered abuse domestic or sexual which has been "shoved under the carpet" due to the ridiculous two witness ruling. I don't think anyone could truly say they hate JW's as such. When jw's leave and the weekly cycle of meetings, field service, studying is left behind their eyes are opened to ..........erm how do I say this politely ...........inconsistancies, quite often a pattern can follow where the person menatlly beats themslves up as they believe they a) were gullible and b) have been conned and deceived. This can obviously lead to distress and resentment towards the cause which is the wtbts. Seeing a new poster pop up who is still a witness but having issues can lead to some posters remembering those feeling and also going into overdrive in convincing the new poster that they have done the right thing coming here and "what they absolutely NEED to know" lol

  • carla

    You don't understand the hate for the religion? Yet you have no problem understanding jw hate for all others and their arrogance. I'm not a jw, never been. My husband joined up a few years back. Do I hate this religion? Yes, with every fiber of my being. In my years of research about jw's I have found nothing but dishonesty, lies, and rampant abuse from physical, sexual,emotional, and spiritual. Yes, I hate a religion that believes that if there are not two witnesses to a child RAPE it never happened. I hate that when a child is raped and the parents try to warn others they are treated less than garbage, a leper and lose their family and friends. I hate a religion that does not allow one to use their God given brain to examine, to 'make sure of all things'. I think that is an unpardonable sin. To make people think that using critical thinking skills which were endowed by God as evil.

    I hate what they have done to the message of the Bible. Completey distorted all that is good and true to fit their warped cultish practices. Insidious does not do the wt justice, there is no word to truly describe the despicable nature of the wt.

    I hate seeing people on the boards who have been so abused. I hate seeing that some, at times, are unable to function in society due to the cults long influence over their brain. I have seen the suicides, the deaths due to the ungodly blood policies, family murders, the despair. It makes me incredibly angry sometimes, other times a wash of sadness overwhelms me. The unloving ungodly shunning practices. How they can take the natural affections of humans and completely destroy such emotions boggles my mind. That they can simply throw away parents, children and siblings at the whims of mere men.

    Lastly I hate what they have done to my jw. They took a good man and made him fearful, arrogant, and certainly not family minded. He must abandon his family if he wants any chance at their ridiculous paradise earth. The more he abandons his family the more credit he gets at the kh. More 'atta' boy's' for him. His arrogance and self righteous judgemental attitude was induced by the cult. Yes, I hate what the jw's do to people and to families. That is why I will continue to anti witness whenever possible.

  • Jenlet

    "I still say that there seems to be a lot of hate towards this religion, and yeah, I don't get it."

    You'll get it when you start asking questions.

  • sweetface2233

    Multifarious, I hit your hello thread and was glad to see that someone so young would start thinking for himself, unlike some who didn't realize that they had a brain until their mid-late adulthood. I also saw your comment in the dead body thread and wondered if you would ever return. On my drive to work this morning I was actually thinking of sending you a PM to reassure you that humor, as you will find here, is an amazing healing tool. But, I saw your new thread, so I will put my words to you here.

    First, I want to commend you for being an ADULT and confronting those who offended you, instead of labeling people here as bitter and heartless apostates, in your mind, and never returning. I know men and women 5, 10, 20 years older than you that need to take a lesson in addressing their issues and concerns w/ others. Please keep that quality about yourself, as you will find it necessary in your adult relationships. However, there are so many people here that are jaded, confused, and overwhelmed by, not only their experience w/ the WTS, but w/ the hardship of everyday life. You will find w/ more life experience how stressful and disheartening just keeping a roof over your head, having reliable transportation, and putting food on your table can be. Humor is an amazing way to release stress, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and calm you down after a tough day trying to keep yourself alive.

    Please be patient, slowly come to terms w/ your own doubts and concerns, and get to know a few people here. There are many kind and caring individuals that come out of the woodwork when they see people hurting. The night that my sister disowned me is the night I made my first post on JWD. Never in my life had people I never met before care for me when I needed it the most. I was welcomed w/ greetings, compassionate words, and a lot of hope for my future. After you are here for a while, you will realize this, as well. At worst, you can learn some life lessons about dealing w/ intolerance, ignorance, and well, some real jackasses (there are a few). I hope you stick around.

    Enjoy your day and your weekend!


  • snowbird

    Your username means diversity; that's just what you will find here.

    Take your time and read more of the board.

    Don't jump to a hasty conclusion because of 2 threads that you perceive as negative.


  • Junction-Guy

    MF---I dont hate you or any other JW, I do however hate the organization of JW's, AKA the Watchtower Society. Many lives have been ruined by this religion, I can not feel any sympathy towad the JW religion whatsoever

    On the other hand, I dont believe in poking fun of people dying,

    I may be considered an opposer to your religion, but I still have human decency and believe in treating others with respect, even when I have been disrespected by other apostates here.

    I hope you stick around and read some more here and keep an open mind.


  • AlyMC

    Sweetface said it better than I could have and it warrants repeating:
    "First, I want to commend you for being an ADULT and confronting those who offended you, instead of labeling people here as bitter and heartless apostates, in your mind, and never returning. I know men and women 5, 10, 20 years older than you that need to take a lesson in addressing their issues and concerns w/ others. Please keep that quality about yourself, as you will find it necessary in your adult relationships. However, there are so many people here that are jaded, confused, and overwhelmed by, not only their experience w/ the WTS, but w/ the hardship of everyday life. You will find w/ more life experience how stressful and disheartening just keeping a roof over your head, having reliable transportation, and putting food on your table can be. Humor is an amazing way to release stress, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and calm you down after a tough day trying to keep yourself alive."

    I hope to see you around :)

  • ex-nj-jw

    Welcome to JWD MF

    I too was raised JW, when I was 18 I packed up my 2 day old son and moved out. I moved into a home with a friend of mine and her family because I couldn't be sure that my JW family would be there for me. That if I chose not to go to the meetings and field service or if they found out I didn't want to be a JW that they wouldn't turn their backs on me, because I definately knew without a doubt that there was something wrong with this religion, it wasn't the "truth" and was far from just another religion and I wanted nothing to do with it and certainly didn't want my son being raised in it.

    I didn't feel nor do I feel now that I need an organization or elders or a congregation to tell me how to be a good person, mother, sister, daughter, etc...... I don't need a religion to tell me what is right from wrong and most of all I didn't want this religion telling me how to raise my child. I grew up in this religion and I wouldn't wish that on any child!

    This religion has taken away my mother (most of all) and to a point my 2 siblings and their wives. I love my extended family but we rarely talk. There are some here that haven't spoken to or seen their parents and siblings in years. Is that love? Is that human decency (sp?) Not in my book. You can't force people to be what you want them to be by cutting them off. The only thing JW's accomplish is making people miserable.

    Yes I hate this religion. I hate what this religion does to families. I hate what this religion turns people into. I hate the JW's that have the holier than thou attitude, who think they have the truth and because you choose not to be a part of this religion you will die are the big A, I hate the JW's with the judgemental attitude. I hate the JW's that feel they are better than everyone else when they are no different and some of the time worst than your average person.

    My hate for this religion has not made me into a coldhearted person.


  • golf2

    Multif. Remain who you are and never lose those great qualities. Compassion, mercy and many other related qualities are slowly going down the drain. When you really compare the qualities of the witnesses, many are just following the commands of men instead of their HEART.

    Whatever you do, don't rush to judgement.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Seeing the irony or humor in even the bleakest situation can help you master situations and environments.

    I always said, "The day I lose my sense of humor. That's the day I will lose my mind." And that is what being one of Jehovah's Witnesses did to me. They tortured my family and me until I broke down and could not even get out of bed. I ended up inactive, which is the only thing that saved me. I am back among the sane, but I've never been the same again.

    Not one person on either of those threads would stand there with the body or the abused wife and make fun. But out here in the real world, where we are bombarded with tragedy every day, in order to process it and cope with it, we have to have a sense of humor. I'll tell you, you'll cope better with life and all its tragedy if you can laugh. You'll know when it's appropriate and when it's not.

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