While watching the network's coverage on the election, I kept noticing how the announcers kept talking about what impact the Rush Limbaugh show might have on the Republican vote... They felt his show might sway the votes away from McCain...
Now, all you conservatives out there, isn't it one of the biggest embarassments you can ever have, to know that Rush Limbaugh can have an effect on how your party votes? If I knew that people thinking like Rush Limbaugh were voting for my candidate, that would automatically make me vote the other way.
I mean honestly, how can you not be embarrased that your party holds a man such as Rush Limbaugh in high esteem? Yet, then again, you guys also like GW Bush, Reagan, and have heros like G Grodon Liddy, and Nixon... and even that criminal Oliver North.. who subverted the constitution and yet remained a Republican icon.
I think both parties have become a sham, too much money influences this nation to ever make a serious change' until we focus onthis problem we're all sunk... but Republicans, please look at yourselves... these villians are who you like the most... Rush freaking Limbaugh? Are you kidding me? He influences who your electoriates vote for? Good freaking God!
Why don't you guys ever mention real Repubkican icons, men that honestly lived up to the consitution? Men like Dwight Eisenhower, or Teddy Roosevelt? I hardly ever you guys mention their names... of course we hear Lincoln, a great president, but why no mention of Ford? He was a great president...
Yet Rush Limbaugh influenses your voters, that's enough said in my book, that's one of the reasons, though far from a Democrat, I'll never vote for the Republican party.