Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh

by dawg 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am kinda with Watson here. I think that Rush takes selected data and spins it, but
    he still gets information out there, and gets opinions forming. Many people listen just to
    know what's going on, then don't take Rush's side on matters. He opens up dialogue and
    debate. He is an entertainer before a politician, but he reveals much to the masses.

    Sometimes you have to be outrageous to get people's attention. I've seen a little of that trait in you too Dawg.

    Yes, that works for some here. I have said, "You need to exaggerate to make your point,
    sometimes." That's something Rush does.

    Personally, I think Rush and Sean Hannity are both bullies. They bully their opinion upon
    others that don't know how to make their point as good as they do. Having all the information
    that backs your point doesn't make your point right. It just makes you better informed to make
    it. Ignoring all the information that doesn't back your point will keep you in as a popular talk
    show host.

    I do believe that conservatives do that- ignore many points that don't back their opinions.
    But, I do believe that JW's, Mormons, Christians, Jews, Liberals, EVERYONE does that.
    It's part of cognitive dissonance. Dawg's point is still valid that Rush influences, and many
    (including him or me) would tend to vote for someone if Rush was against him.

  • BurnTheShips

    Good response Dawg.

    I didn't know about the getting fired for racism part. I guess the best way to describe Rush's show is "political entertainment".



  • dawg

    THank you ships.... Huff

  • oompa

    Dawg, I have not read all the posts cause you already have four pages!.....all I know is I drive a lot and find Rush to be very entertaining. He is a great debater I guess. I think people may give him way too much credit for influencing people too. Sometimes he slants things his way, and sometimes he straightens out liberal crap.........................................oompa.......I am a senator

  • hillbilly

    Rush offers little real insight on any of the matters before the nation today. He is a Disc Jocky and PR guy buy trade.

    The Clintons were an easy target for him... you couldnt ask for a better guy to pick at, and Rush made a name for himself by doing it.

    Did you ever notice the format? About a 3 minute diatribe... then a call and out for a commercail break. All Rush has done is taken the old AM radio, top 40 pace and replaced the tunes with his outbursts. The pace is the same.

    Maher, Franken and Stewart do the same real anaylisis... hit the high spots and insert some pity comments. I guess it's eternainment!


  • beksbks


    Fox made himself a target when he used his disease in politics. Plain and simple. Like a retard running into a battle field, is the bullet going to miss him, just because he is special. If you don't want to get burned, stay out of the fire and if you choose not too and get burned, don't whine about it.

    Wow guy that's kinda heartless. First of all, the man was talking about stem cell research (which may be used to find a cure for his disease), and imploring the public to vote accordingly. That's not just politics, that's personal. And he isn't the one who was "whining", it was decent people who were disgusted at the lowness Rush displayed. Particularly since it isn't the first time he's been known to say such vile things about victims of tragedy or disease.

  • worldtraveller

    Agreed, beksbks. What free2beme said is pathetic. It would be similar to say that Rush makes a target of himself because he is overweight and addicted to meds. I would feel just as bad to hear Rush suffering a serious stroke as I would feel about anyone else succumbing to any disease, nevermind his political leanings.

    Michael Fox did not choose to be sick. He chose to help others in similar situations. Rush on the other hand can lose weight and simply get free of drug addiction. Fox cannot choose to lose Parkinsons. Truly a vicious, cruel and insensitive comment.

  • dawg

    And you expect differently worldtravler, do you? I don't, these are the kinds of people who listen to Rush...they usually are heartless and uneducated... that was truly a sick statement about Micheal Fox and I thank you Worldtravler and others that stood up... Stem cell research is a great casue it has not one damn thing to do with about health, Fox's health, and thus he spoke.

    But isn't remarks like these the Modus operiandi of Rush followers? Evolution isn't true, no global warming... and so on and so on? ANd where did Rush get his degree? He doesn't have one... so how does he know about global warming?

    His whole show is spin and reminds me of that movie "Thank you for smoking"

  • 5thGeneration

    I don't mind Rush. Over-the-top right winger so I take him with a grain of salt.

    No different than the over-the-top lefties like Olbermann or Maher or people like that. They get so angry that they are literally spitting into the camera.

    As for the Michael J. Fox thing. I believe the issue was not his terrible disease or his defending stem cell research it was that he deliberately went off his medications before his testimony so that his symptoms would be worse. That's what I recall anyway.


  • beksbks

    Actually 5th, that is the issue. Rush accused Fox of either faking it, or not taking his meds. Which was untrue.

    I've worked in customer service my entire adult life. Many years as a bank teller. It was heartbreaking to see Parkinson's sufferers come in and try to sign checks, or have a normal chat with me. It's pretty tough to keep your dignity when you can't control your body. Some of them gave up, and had me write everything out for them and then they struggled through the signature.

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