Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh

by dawg 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    NeoCons piss me off! 'nuff said.

  • skeeter1

    I met a new friend today. He was an interesting chap. His quote seems worthy to add to this conversation. "I run from anyone who claims to have the complete truth. But, I run to anyone who claims to still be looking for the truth." I agree with alot of what Rush says. I disagree too. Depends on the matter. Just glad Huckabee is winning. Wish Ron Paul had done better. I hate McCain, and Romney too.

  • dinah

    I would vote for Saban the Debil himself before I'd vote for an evangelical.

  • dawg

    Don't get me wrong folks, I like Conservatives, we need ideas from all angles... its just that this guys an idiot...

  • watson

    If you guys hate this entertainer so much, turn his show off. Turn over to NPR, or find a more liberal comentator that thinks like you do. Better for your blood pressure.

  • dawg

    I haven't listened to him in years bro... read above what I said... it doesn't say I listen to him...

  • JeffT

    It has been my experience that the only people that think Rush Limbaugh is that influential are liberals. The conservatives I know take Rush with a sizable shaker of salt. Listening to some of you go on about Rush is like listening to some republicans that say the Dixie Chicks speak for all Democrats.

  • BurnTheShips
  • avishai

    I think Michael Moore and Rush are cut from the same cloth, op-ed ENTERTAINERS. Sure, they make the occasional point, but are willing to do some pretty damn underhanded things to get there.

  • watson

    Hey Dawg,

    I wasn't necessarily speaking to you. Although I did get the feeling that you were ridiculing people that believe like Rush or that value his opinion. People like Rush serve a purpose in this country. He causes anger, frustration, etc., but what he also does is open up dialogue, debate, and speaks to issues that are important to many free Americans. Sometimes you have to be outrageous to get people's attention. I've seen a little of that trait in you too Dawg.


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