Thoughts on Rush Limbaugh

by dawg 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    YOu see 5th, you thought Rush was right, that Fox didn't take his meds... you repeted Rush... but hs show doesn't hurt... it does good for the US public.

  • Gopher

    I don't mind Rush. Over-the-top right winger so I take him with a grain of salt.

    No different than the over-the-top lefties like Olbermann or Maher or people like that.

    Nope. Olbermann and Maher have not (to my knowledge) poked fun at suffering people.

  • dawg

    Not to mention they have dissent and rebuttal on thier shows....Mahyer has a right winger on his show just for that purpose.

  • 5thGeneration

    Yeah, I looked it up and now see that Fox didn't stop his meds. I only knew that to be the issue.

    Pretty dumb-ass of Rush then.

    BTW, on the other end of the spectrum: I didn't see anyone giving Rush kudos for apologizing.

    Also BTW: I'm not a Rush fan and the last time I listened to him was about 6 years ago.

    One last BTW: dawg, don't want to get into it but, if you think Bill Mayer is balanced then you are just as duped as Rush fans.




    I have no problem with Rush's effect on elections. Just as I have no problem with the black churches' influence over the black community, or any other group exerting influence over an election. Why are endorsements so important in the political world? Because of their effect on an election. Why were unions so important in the political world? Because of their effect on an election. Influencing an election is huge in this country.

    Now as far as agreeing with Rush goes, I no longer consider myself a "dittohead". I haven't considered myself that in about 10 years. Though I still hold certain ideas that are certainly conservative, I have found myself becoming more libertarian than conservative. I do not think that I will ever become a liberal, as it is currently defined. However, I have found myself in agreement with much of Senator Obama's message, and if he wins the Democratic nomination, I will be voting for him. Quite a move for someone whose first ever vote was for Bush 41 over Bill Clinton.

    As far as a Georgia-USC match-up; I wanted that for the Rose Bowl. It would have been on heck of a game in a bowl season full of stinkers. Then again who knows, if the breaks fall for both of our teams, perhaps they'll be playing in the mythical National Championship game in 2009.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Personally, I think Rush and Sean Hannity are both bullies.

    I don't know about Hannity, I don't watch him. Rush is a huge bully. I can't stand bullies.

  • Junction-Guy

    I don't like Rush either. I used to listen to him years ago on the radio, but the more I read about him, the less I like him. Poking fun at politicians is one thing, poking fun at people who are suffering or have lost their jobs or their homes is another.

    I have become more open to John McCain simply because of Rush lately.

    Right now Im probably more ticked off at some of our so-called conservatives, they have done an excellent job of dividing the republican party.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Before the local Air America station pulled the plug (if Air America couldn't make it in NE Minnesota I doubt its prospects for long term survival) I used to flip between Rush and Al Franken. Both of them got nasty at times. Now Franken is running for Senate in Minnesota and seems to be running a pretty good campaign. Rush is and always has been a political entertainer. I lost all respect for him when during his TV show he said something about the Clinton's having a "first dog" and then put up a picture of young Chelsea. She was at that awkward stage, you know that point between being a cute little kid and the beautiful young woman she grew up to be. Anyway, I thought it was a really cheap, tacky shot to take at a someone who was 12 or 13 years old. What a prick.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Rush hasn't really been relevant since Clinton was in office. I certainly don't think he has an influence over Republican voters. His whole schtick was to serve as an outlet to conservatives when they lost power during the Clinton administration. When Bush became president his rants became meaningless. Only arch-conservatives who will vote Republican no matter who the candidate is, give him any credibility anymore.

  • beksbks

    Keyser, you got the bomb diggity name and avatar!

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