I've Had It - I Just Can't Do it Anymore

by troubled 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled

    Well, it seems we're back to the same "You're a troll; you're not a troll" thing.

    It seems that my posts make too many of you "uncomfortable," you have an "intuition," you "can't put your finger on it," WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought this was a place where people can post and be heard. Not be attacked. Not be condemned. WELL, I SURE DON'T SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Every stinking time I get on this forum and raise a good question or try to figure something out, somebody comes up with this same stupid troll crap.

    I mean, how many of you are there out there who think I'm a troll? And just why do I intimidate you so much? You guys drive me crazy! Maybe you're the ones with mental illness (PARANOIA).

    To the ones here who have treated me good, I'm sorry. But anymore, every time I come to this discussion board, I end up having to defend myself, explain my motives, and I leave feeling like total crap! I don't need that!

    Yeah, I'm the first to admit that JWs have problems. The elders and others in the congregation haven't always been there for me or my husband. But no one in the Hall has ever treated me like Dungbeetle, sf, Messenger, and Hawkaw have. Even as unhappy as I've been at the Hall lately, I'm happier there than I am here.

    It just isn't worth it. I can do my research alone. I have enough problems in my life without putting up with more crap. I need a little happiness in my life and I'm not finding it here.

    Larc and Seeker, if you want to give me your email address, maybe I will contact you one day. But if not, that's OK too. Don't feel obligated. But I've come and gone from this board 3 times and given it my best. I'm sick of trying. I'm outta here. And I will not be back.

  • DIM

    where did this come from? jeez.

  • Naeblis

    Pffth. That sounds just like something a troll would say.

  • Billygoat


    I've never thought you were a troll. But I will say I am disappointed with the fact that you are so willing to throw away all of us because of a few people. Does it really bother you that bad? Do you really care one way or the other if a few think bad thoughts? Grow up. Get over it. Move on. Or stick around and share and learn. Who cares what they think? You have as much right here as larc, Fredhall or anyone else. One thing I DO think about JW's is that they don't know how to stick it out when the going gets rough. Please prove me wrong.


  • ianao


    You are never going to find a place with complete objectivity because the very nature of judgement rests on the head of one or more individuals who by nature have their own opinion of any given subject matter.

    You need to remember that we are all humans, not members of a collective conscience that march along in unity of thought. It will never happen to YOUR liking unless everyone followed YOU.

    Of course, this is ALL my opinion.

  • larc


    My email can be found in the yellow box under my name. I wrote some thoughts on your last thread on persuasion.

  • sf

    "It seems that my posts make too many of you "uncomfortable," you have an "intuition," you "can't put your finger on it," "

    I'm the one who solely uttered these words. It isn't fair to put them into ANYONE elses mouth.


  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    You never struck me as a "troll" at all. You seem genuinely upset - something that trolls don't get. I also don't think you're leaving because you've been defeated. It takes a long time to figure this stuff out. You have raised some good points that merit discussion, not simply being labelled a "troll." Sometimes that's the lazy way out, although I am not targetting anyone here.

    Good luck,


  • Bridgette

    Dear Troubled,
    My e-mail is open as well. Please feel free to write. I would welcome your thoughts.

  • Bill Parker
    Bill Parker

    To Naeblis:
    Did you take a moment to read what it say's under AUTHOR? It says "TROUBLED". If this person needed anything it was kindness and commpassion throw in just for kicks a little understanding. Are you totally devoid of those qualitys? It sounds to me like you are. I expected insulting remarks like yours to this person from the Elders in the congregation that I got the hell out of. Tell me are you an active witness yourself? Perhaps even an Elder? If the answer proves to be in the affirmative I will fully understand your comment to this person. If not one has to wonder where the HELL are you coming from anyway? Bill Parker

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