Even active witnesses think this is way over the top.....

by yourmomma 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    what's the difference with a 'career' (with a degree) and a 'job' (without a degree)?

    You cannot serve two masters. Secular work, if you must engage in it, is merely a necessary means to an end to keep yourself physically alive until Armageddon. The real "Career" of all true JWs is the ministry.

    Just giving the official WT spin.

    You make a great point.


  • AudeSapere
    Robert7 wrote: what's the difference with a 'career' (with a degree) and a 'job' (without a degree)?

    I think the primary difference is that 'Career' is in the mind of the beholder.

    In my mind, people invest more of themselves in a career than they do in a job. With a career, you generally look for promotions and networking opportunities. People who are career-minded often work longer hours and are less apt to take time off.

    In my limited experience, most people who view their employment as a 'job' are generally keenly aware of the time clock, exactly how many vacation and sick days they have accrued and are mostly in the job for the paycheck.

    Funny... Back in the mid-80's I was regular pioneering and supporting myself with a full-time job billing insurance in a dental office. I considered my employment to be a 'job' - pioneering was my career. The woman who sat beside me and worked less than half the hours that I did, called her same employment gig a 'career'. It was this different perspective that made me define my own distinction between the two.


  • TD

    I wish this was something I could show people. No JW will accept the sub-title text at face vaule though. --Really can't blame them either.

  • daniel-p

    A job is something you do for someone else. A career is something you do for yourself.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Just got done skimming through some of the comments on "Youtube". Here's one of the funnier ones, IMO, by a guy called UncleFester:


    You know, I'm in college right now. I'm having a real hard time finding these drunken sex parties. Do you think if I wrote to the Society they could help me find them? After all, they say they're everywhere!


    That's right. Collij is frum da debil.


  • daniel-p

    Is this video from the new DC? I hope most of that was in the talk outline, however, since it looks like Garret Losch (GB), I doubt it. Probably just running off at the mouth like most of them do.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Some commenter on YouTube said it's Gerrit Losch, GB member.

    Here's his mug:

    Looks like the same guy.

    Wikipedia says he speaks Italian. (MUST be true.)

    I speak enough Spanish to know that the speech is by a JW and about college.

    I also have spoken to a couple former Bethelites who have confirmed the widely known rumor that Losch all but banned American Football in one his rants.

    Bethel Joke:

    Q: What's NFL stand for?

    A: Not For Losch.

    So, I'd say I'm 90% onboard with these sub-titles being legit. Sounds right up Losch's alley.

    Any Italianos out there?


  • NewYork44M

    From recent observation I see a lot of witnesses that are not heeding the advice. I know of more than a few children and adults going to school despite the admonition against education.

    May be that is why they have to be so hard-line.

  • daniel-p

    Losch is a serious tightass. I introduced myself to him and shook his hand at an International COnvention about 10 years ago while I was a pioneer and volunteer in the Chairman's office. He looked at me like I had rabies. Later, when i served at bethel, I remember him going on and on about how us young Bethelites calling each other "guys" was wrong. He's about as tight-assed as you can get.

  • betterdaze

    Going to college or not may be a reflection of your faith, or lack of your faith, and it may indicate how present the imminence of the Great Tribulation is in your mind. What is undoubtable is that the time left is reduced, as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:29.


    If you are currently going to college, why don’t you meditate in prayer on the possibility of dropping out and doing something better?

    But for us, who scrutinize the meaning of world events in light of Bible prophecy, there are more worthy reasons for not putting a worldly career first in our lives. We could liken ourselves to someone who sees a building that says, “This company is running out of business.” Would you apply for a job there? Of course not. And if we were working for such a company, we would wisely look for a job elsewhere.

    Well, on all the institutions of this world lies a sign reading “imminent liquidation.” The end is near. Yes, the Bible assures us that the world is passing away. Therefore, we will be wise and will not imitate those who are an integral part of it.

    Now you have listened to the advice. What will you do now?

    Some advocate going to college by citing the example of some elders’ children who are attending college or that did so [in the past]. We are not able, nor willing to tell you what you should do. Your parents and you should make a decision. We are not the masters over your faith.

    However, the Faithful and Discrete Slave has the responsibility to warn against spiritual dangers and to encourage to put Kingdom interests first. So, the Slave discourages from going to college for a long period of time.

    I have often times heard experiences of individuals who were about to complete their college programs, and who dropped out when they learned the Truth. Some other baptized individuals have turned down scholarships.

    What will YOU do? What decision will you make? Will you refuse or not? Will you get a university education or not?

    You will accountable to Jehovah for this.

    We would like to praise those in the audience who dropped out of college when they accepted the Truth, [as we praise] all those who, after listening to this talk, will make the same decision.

    Maybe you still want to advocate the possibility of going to college. You may say: “You see, Brother X went to college, and now he is serving in the congregation and is also a pioneer.” True, he may have survived college, so to speak.

    But what follows is a true experience of a young man who suffered from a compulsive disorder which made him wash his hands over and over again, even 100 times a day. This disorder discouraged him so much that one day he decided to commit suicide. He bought a rifle, put it in his mouth, and pulled the trigger. The bullet, however, didn't kill him, but instead perforated the part of his brain that was responsible for his compulsive disorder. He survived and after that he managed to live a normal life.

    Yes, its true, he survived. But would you recommend that other other people imitate what the young man did?

    [audience applauds]

    Similarly, some have survived college, but would you recommend that to others?

    Instead of investing in a higher education, it would be advisable to grow in the knowledge of Jehovah. In order to start knowing the Bible better, we must read the Bible every day.

    Every day.

    Are we doing that?

    Gerrit Lösch
    Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
    May 22, 2005
    Monza, Italy

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