Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO

by betweenworlds 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    make yourself obey...even if it's uncomfortable or difficult... or even if you don't understand why or your heart is not inclined to do it

    These are all good reasons not to join the JW's and remain in another faith........

  • jaguarbass

    I can tell you from personal experience they have been loading that ark since the 1950's.

    In fact its starting to stink from all the old dead people in it.

  • worldtraveller

    Shades of David Koresh. Attend your memorial and drop some cyanide gas into the ac ducts, and voila. Something mighty messed up about all of that.

  • rekless

    This brings to the point in the 70s our PO said, " If the faithful, and decreet slave told me to march toward that wall I would, because I believe Jehovah would eith make a passage or I would be able to defy gravity and walk up that wall."

    Can Anybody say--Jonestown, Waco, and Kool-Aid. I have often wondered since I left, if the "FDSC" called for the cleansing of the Earth if the R & F would become mass murderers or drink the Kool-Aid.

    It is frightening the effects of mind control.

  • worf

    I'm glad this thread and the points brought up here have been brought up.

    IMO, a number of the recent actions by the borg are reminiscent of Jim Jones and others that were like him in the past.

    Rekless, my brothers and sisters and I who are of course 'out' have seriously wondered about the same 2 points you brought up.

    I already told my mom (who is still 'in', but not a dub at heart), don't drink any of that wine at the memorial, or eat any of that bread, even if they do start saying that the so-called 'anointed' is still being gathered.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    The circuit overseer in my brothers cong. convinced my brother to put his family vacation on the side in January, to go knocking on doors. I couldn't beleive it, and he actually found someone that wanted to study with him. I asked him what his kids thought about it, and he said they said. "Wer'e happy cuz we might save his life. " They really thought the end was coming, and they are lifegivers on a battlefeild saving people. How effin dellusional. That explains why we lost our childhoods quite clearly, to the same bullshit mentality.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Ah yes, let's examine closely the example of 'righteous' Lot...

    He fled Sodom as it was being destroyed by Jehovah for its wickedness. His wife was killed by God for looking back. Lot moved into a cave with his daughters. He got drunk and impregnated both of his own daughters.

    Jehovah always leads his people, even in specific "micro-managed" ways!We have to be willing to do all that Jehovah directs us to do, even if it is hard to do it. Even little things (service, commenting at meetings, getting along, making amends, etc... all parts of our spiritual armor!). Must force ourselves to do it! (Reminded me of another comment recently made at a DC..."make yourself obey...even if it's uncomfortable or difficult... or even if you don't understand why or your heart is not inclined to do it...if you do it, your heart will catch up!!")
    Such powerful and motivating information! It's nice to feel safe and secure in the hands of this loving and wise slave! They are an extension of Jehovah's loving hands! Jehovah always leads his people!

    So, like Lot, we must flee Sodom, and commit incest. I think maybe Jehovah killed the wrong ones, eh?

  • shamus100

    People who do believe in things even though they know they're wrong, and wait for the 'faithful and discreet slave' (snicker) to give them the heart condition later to fully understand Jehobla's mindset deserve to be JW's forever and ever. It's the same old tripe over and over again - just one big boring excuse why it's always 'your fault'.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    "We may well receive some detailed instructions. Our safe journey through those troublesome days will depend on our keeping in step with other loyal servants of Jehovah."

    Sounds like some instructions are coming down the pike from the Faithful and Discrete Slaves!!!! Warning all to get ready! They are making new rules, and changing the bulbs again.

    "Keeping in step..." Yeah, the GB and the Slaves, are like the Pied Piper. They start playing, and all of the JW's follow blindly.

    This is kinda scary! Seriously

  • prophecor
    This is kinda scary! Seriously

    All we need, now, is the scary background music from your favorite suspense film.

    Add thier words and "Voila", you have Academy Award WT Propaganda.

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