Appalling Mind Control Comment from CO

by betweenworlds 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dead Man Joaquin
    Dead Man Joaquin

    I agree with your points Homer, but consider this: 1975 was a severe blow to the organization. The ONLY reason that the WT survived that (by which I mean not dwindling to a handful of zealots) is because of information/damage control. Same with the "Great Apostasy" of the early 80s. But now, due to the Internet, information and damage control is pretty much a moot point. The WT must know that they cannot survive another 1975 (i.e. telling them Armageddon is REALLY right around the corner and we REALLY mean it this time), so why are they apparently hyping it again and buckling down for the GT?

    Again, I believe it's because they've got some kind of Final Solution planned which will effectively mean the end of the WT (outside of maybe a few splinter groups). And it would not surprise me if they are secretly cooperating with TPTB to implement it. If globalists/illuminists are indeed attempting to usher in a New World Order of some kind... wouldn't they want a control group, a microcosm for a bigger plan, for experimental purposes? Keep watching the LDS Church (a documented Masonic group) and the WT (a rumored Masonic group). They could very well serve as a bellwether for world events over the next few years.

  • jambon1

    All of these kind of comments got me thinking when i was a JW. It took time & I confided in no-one regarding my thoughts about what was said from the platform. For certain JW's, it is stuff like this that simply chips away at their 'spirituality'. Anyone worth their salt eventually realises that stuff like this is out of order. Bring it on I say.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good insight Dead Man

    Yes they were very good at hiding the damaging information away from the eyes of the followers and I was born and raised in it.

    The ever present illusion that they portray as God's solemn righteous organization on earth is getting ever harder for them to sell , with the advent of the wide spread

    information on the net. You might say the Great Tribulational war with Satan The Devil is really the great war against the information Hy-way...... DAM that inter-net !

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Dead Man Jaoquin, or anybody who knows what this means

    Again, I believe it's because they've got some kind of Final Solution planned which will effectively mean the end of the WT (outside of maybe a few splinter groups). And it would not surprise me if they are secretly cooperating with TPTB to implement it.

    What is TPTB ??

  • BreakingAway

    Dead Man Jaoquin, or anybody who knows what this means

    Again, I believe it's because they've got some kind of Final Solution planned which will effectively mean the end of the WT (outside of maybe a few splinter groups). And it would not surprise me if they are secretly cooperating with TPTB to implement it.
    What is TPTB

    The Powers That Be ?

  • flipper

    I hope they don't plan some final drinking of cool-aid or some such nonsense ! If they take my two daughters lives - there will be hell to pay ! The organization will come down - I guarantee it

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Thank you Breaking Away. Almost 3 years ago, I asked what Dub meant. Seems like a lifetime of information ago.


    Speaking of mind control . . . FEAR is a paralyzer. Any religion that teaches fear is a mind control religion. Any religion that says they have an exclusive link to God is teaching fear and control. Judge for yourself who this applies to.


  • apollos

    Peak oil. Global Warming. Recession. What if all these will lead to a Great Tribulation? Does that mean Matthew is right after all?

  • apollos

    In the world of global business, in order for an enterprise to succeed, it should be able to identify the present and future challenges, identify the likelihood and the consequences of its impact, and develop a strategy in order to survive and remain competitive. That is why a company needs a mission and a vision, identify its internal strenghts and weaknesses, and the opportunities available in the market that it can capitalise on (e.g., new technology), and also, the threats emanating from its internal and external environment (e.g., competitors).

    In the same manner, the UN looks at the world in a different vantage point compared to ours. It knows the reason why it exist, as expressed in its mission statement. It is aware of past challenges that threatens peace and order in the world, the causes of these challenges, and the strategies on how it can be prevented. In Europe for example, the UN asked, how can we prevent ambitious nations to spark a global tension that may lead to world wars? And so solutions and strategies are formulated and implemented to answer the fundamental questions (i.e., NATO)

    Religion is one of these challenges. It knows that one of the fundamental human rights of man is freedom of worship. In the eyes of the UN, Joe Bloggs has the right to worship his God. And thus, the Universal Human Rights!

    But what if certain religions causes problems? How can man maintain the balance of freedom of worship, at the same time, remove the obstacle to peace?

    What is interesting is that the world's attitude to religion is changing. We cannot deny the fact that current generations, the generation X and generation Y does not follow the same affinity to faith as compared to their parents and grandparents (the baby boomers who turned 60 in 2006). Generation X and Y does not care much about religion. It is the last on their list. They care about themselves, their money, their pleasure.

    Much of the world now has the same attitude towards religion. In Denmark alone, there are talks that the Mohammad cartoon which caused a lot of furor and anger in the Muslim world in 2006 is going to be re-printed.

    The question now is, if religion is the stumbling block to peace, what do we do with it? What is the solution? I'm sure the UN is asking the same exact questions right now.

    Back to the world of business, if an obstacle prevents a company to become competitive and survive, what they normally do is to implement a strategy that are swift, and sometimes even painful.

    Overnight companies are taken over by other companies, sometimes in hostile takeovers (e.g., Oracle and Peoplesoft). IBM in the 90's has to overhaul the whole company (or 'reengineer', a term they use which i borrow) which means eliminating thousand of redundancies in the process(e.g., jobs) in order to avoid bankrupcy. Overnight, giants collapse into oblivion, sometimes in an unbelievable scale (e.g., ENRON). But it is important to note that these things are a culmination of events that are years in the making. The collapsed of ENRON is a result of what happend (or was happening) years in prior to the final end.

    People's attitude change. The whole attitude to global warming changed. People's attitude to stem cells changed as if overnight.

    How does man fixes problems? We take note that how man reacts to problems is sometimes swift and painful, especially if it is necessary. Depending on the present need, man can change if it wants to.

    So is it possible for the UNs attitude to change regarding religion? It is just a matter of how will it happen, when will it happen, and who will iniatiate it. As to why, we all know why. We do not forget that religion is now seen as a nuisance, and causes problems. Once the problems of religion escalates more, we know how man reacts to problems. All we need are a couple of 'what if' scenarios and calculate some probabilities and we can clearly see the future of religion in the hands of the wild beast.

    And the future of the harlot doesn't look promising.


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